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Forever remember  / 永远的铭记

Forever remember / 永远的铭记

Actors:Lan Ching Lung / Ma Yili / Zheng Xiaoning / Wan Meixi / Wu Ma /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2002 Updated:2013-06-23 22:17:25 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Forever remember / 永远的铭记
    Chinese TV < Forever remember / 永远的铭记 >
    Stars:Lan Ching Lung / Ma Yili / Zheng Xiaoning / Wan Meixi / Wu Ma /
    Storyline:first TV series to reflect the chemical and biological weapons, germ warfare, a true representation during the War of Resistance Against Japan by Japanese Invaders the ugly behavior of the army to use chemical and biological weapons, germ warfare!

    I would like this piece dedicated to the victims that suffered Japanese Germ Warfare mutilation and all Daredevil fight against people with lofty ideals and germ warfare!

    In 1940, China suffered the Japanese imperialist aggression island in Shanghai, the situation is complex. Rong word 1644 Kawamoto, Shiro command of the Japanese in Qu County, Zhejiang Province, put the bacteria "Tiger Liela (cholera). Japanese to spread the message of the implementation of China's germ warfare, given rise to a high degree of attention.

    Shanghai Party underground intelligence agents Lushi Hong, Shen Jiaxuan Green was ordered to investigate the matter. In Shen Jiaxuan green, the under the influence of her boyfriend Tangcheng Chang and Taiwan Youth Dr Kim Nam-sik, also joined the ranks of the investigation.

    In order to obtain information about the Japanese used on the battlefield tiger Liela underground intelligence officer Kent unfortunately the Japanese arrested and wounded, Shiro Kawamoto Kent as "logs" vivisection "Tiger he injected Lie La ". The expense of the dying Kent upright Japanese professor laid down his life to help escape the pandemonium and manufacture of the Japanese "Tiger Liela" secret information brought out, to see comrades to hand over secret information.

    , Kawamoto Shiro trying to find the corpse of Kent and brought back, which is testimony to the tiger Liela virus Americans. But before him, has been examined the bodies of Kent, in order to keep manufacturing "Tiger Liela offense is not exposed, he ordered to have to find this dangerous enemy.

    At this point, Kawamoto Shiro began to doubt his own younger brother Hirano was betrayed by Japan's enemies, secret surveillance, resulting in the plains to blow up the factory production "tiger Liela action exposed and killed.

    The assassination of United States Secret Service, Joe Deng Kawamoto Shiro failed, but was informed that the Japanese have five boxes of "tiger Liela brought into Shanghai, destined for the front-line implementation of the" germ warfare ". This intelligence to inform our intelligence personnel Shen Jiaxuan Green. So, we decided that the organization blew up has been brought into Shanghai, "Tiger Liela, but unfortunately without success, for which Tang Chengchang sacrificed.

    My underground intelligence agents Lixiu Ping, Lu Zhihong, who immediately re-organize forces rushed to Sichuan this Shiro transporting tiger Liela on the front line of the road blocking. After fierce fighting, succeeded in blocking action, "Tiger Liela" totally destroyed, Kawamoto Shiro been eliminated, Lushi Hong, Li Xiuping heroic sacrifice, Shen Jiaxuan Green, Kim Nam-sik survived have survived.

    The drama is about a painful and tragic history, a tragic and thrilling story of a righteous and noble people.

    In April 1939, Japanese troops in Nanjing set up a secret base of operations of the bacterial chemical and biological weapons - Rong word 1644. It is established following the 713 troops after the notorious larger, more subtle base of bacteriological weapons. Rong word 1644 study, cultivation, manufacture of the deadly bacteria: cholera (tiger Liela), typhoid fever, plague, and used in combat. Six years of its existence, the number of people killed due to test bacteriological weapons, at least 1,200 people, which includes carry out inhuman "vivisection" and people died on the operating table. Among them most of the Chinese people, there are a few other nationalities of the foreigners.

    Dozens with the dismemberment of the bones dug up in August 1998, production plant sites in 1644, can still be detected in the remains of the so-called "logs" with Vibrio cholerae enterotoxin genes was vivisection .

    From 1940 to 1942, 1644 had several involved in germ warfare attack on the province of Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangxi, resulting in a large-scale epidemic and thousands of Chinese people died.

    Japanese militarists inhuman germ warfare, heinous, God indignation. The face of this tragic episode in the history of the Chinese people and all righteous people, of course is unforgettable, and will never forget.
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