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Warm  / 暖

Warm / 暖

Actors:Guo Xiaodong / Gilbert / Kagawa Teruyuki early /

Category:Story Director:Unknown

Updated:2012-04-24 15:30:34 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Warm / 暖
    Story movie < Warm / 暖 >
    Stars:Guo Xiaodong / Gilbert / Kagawa Teruyuki early /
    Storyline: end of the summer , Lin Wells River from Beijing to return to his hometown after an absence of 10 years . In the bridge, he encounters the former first love - warm - this is so that he could not goodbye never forget . The warm calm tingling in Wells River , he decided to postpone the date of return to the city . Yesterday and did not run away, when the warm pretty outstanding , singing and dancing , in the view of the village people , warm sooner or later leave the countryside . Many young people , of course, including the Wells River , like her, only to put the duck dumb , always warm to make life difficult . Country performances of theater companies in the province , the warm fall in love with Xiao Wu born in the regiment , and before leaving, Xiao Wu of Health has agreed to have the opportunity to pick warm out , but in addition to the warm outside , no one believes that Xiao Wu Chan will come back to pick her up . The other is two years, Wells River, trying to resolve the anguish of warm , he repeatedly persuaded to warm to concentrate on reading, go to college and realize their dreams , but he can not be replaced by Xiao Wu the warm heart of the location . If the accident is not that swing , warm and perhaps another chance to fly far away well how like he said before college , graduated sure to come back and get warm , warm may not marry dumb . Warm mute married for seven years , his daughter is now six years old . River well into their home , warm and calm , dumb blunt , curious little girl , so that his heart an indescribable sadness . He knew that the warm must have been like such as Xiao Wu students such as myself, as believed in their own words , like to believe that Xiao Wu born 10 years later, the reality can not be changed , leaving only deep wells River apologetic . Broke the calm of the dumb hearts of the emergence of the Wells River , turn back the clock to reproduce the past , from her daughter's eyes , he was warm , how can we prepare the kind of mood ?
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