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My youth who call the shots  / 我的青春谁做主 / 我的青春我做主

My youth who call the shots / 我的青春谁做主 / 我的青春我做主

Actors:Lin Zhao / Yi Lu / Luodan Wang / Yuchen Zhu / Duo Zhang / Yuan Lin / Xiaoming Su / Shan Cong / Ke Gai / Ran-ran Li / Zi Ge Fang / Qian Zhang / Xue Bai / Xiaoxuan Gong / Chongxiao Li /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2009 Updated:2013-04-05 12:06:40 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: My youth who call the shots / 我的青春谁做主 / 我的青春我做主
    Chinese TV < My youth who call the shots / 我的青春谁做主 / 我的青春我做主 >
    Stars:Lin Zhao / Yi Lu / Luodan Wang / Yuchen Zhu / Duo Zhang / Yuan Lin / Xiaoming Su / Shan Cong / Ke Gai / Ran-ran Li / Zi Ge Fang / Qian Zhang / Xue Bai / Xiaoxuan Gong / Chongxiao Li /
    Storyline:Zhao Qing Chu to be in "Sense and Sensibility" to make a choice, you can not have both, and she chose one of them, whether it means to never lose another? Sample of money for the pursuit of individuality and freedom, "to pay a painful price, but she is really wrong? Her to give up self-select to take responsibility, ideals Since then told her nothing in the lopsided? Lee thunderbolt struggling, trying to cocoon from the mother to create the growth mode, looking for hope in the direction of a heart in between "secular" and "self-realization", or compromise, or rebel. Generation, a generation of youth, youth Yeung Ka-three sisters with a distinctive brand of the times. Slogan 30 years ago, an "educated youth to agricultural speculation to" change the fate of their youth, the three sisters far apart, their respective families. Thirty years later, the second generation of the Yang cousins ​​positive youth, and the majority of young people in this day and age, they are not satisfied with the idea of ​​the parent generation who own youth, they are in accordance with their wishes, outlined a their own youth blueprint. Boss Yang Yee settled in Shanghai, the daughter of Zhao Qing Chu is one of the cousins ​​in the academic achievers, outstanding, along with superior growth, inherit the mantle grandmother honeymoon level legal experts, graduated from Peking University Law School Master, mother, Yang Yi, tit for tat with grandma Lang Qin Ping to stay in Beijing or Hui Hu? The last two generations form seesaw pull Saw. Green Chu man is not so, choose the road, stay in Beijing candidates to become a lawyer by profession, she has the ambitions, ideals, and even the ambitious, with all the success factors, opportunities really Ruqierzhi. Because an agent ad litem, the Green Chu to get to know the real estate agency Zhou Jin, both from the original of the first, the relationship between the defendant, and gradually a subtle conversion, career, feelings inevitably intertwined. Green Chu stick to their sense of propriety, she is not mercenary, the Zhou Jinjian given his feelings for her. However, in the two established love, Green Chu Zhou Jin hidden behind a dense fog, unable to see the truth, he is in the end is not 10 years ago hurt the case of real criminals? Is it because of his selfish cause another innocent unjustly imprisoned? Came to light, or failing to report? Emotion and reason, Green Chu choose? If you comply with intellect, conscience, she is bound to lose love; Zhou Jin is also the face of sharp propositions of life and death, to complete salvation of their own pain and guilt of the soul? Bare mean nothing? Impasse after still be able to usher in the rebirth? Otherwise simply love to go through this tortuous ordeal, test not escape the fate, when the feelings eventually became the modern women, the intellect can play what role in the life of Green Chu? The second Yang Seoul economic conditions are excellent, the 16-year-old daughter Lee thunderbolt sent to study in the UK, forcing her to follow their own philosophy of education to grow step by step, the design of the future is not the daughter of mother wanted Charlie "they want" and "Mother let her do "torn between this cast a big lie to his mother weave shell dream of a" study in Cambridge. In Seoul, Young thought the daughter prestigious universities in the UK to study, she had never expected: Perak has been in Beijing. However, lies like a soap bubble, at any time may be punctured, and Charlie live in fear, but also for his thoughts immortal ideals to strive for the best chance of survival. Made her pain, parents, men and weak women strong marriage can not be maintained, without the knowledge of the truth had long been a divorce was exposed thunderbolt determined to disregard all obstruct the family falls apart, even whimsical to turn things around, rebuilding a family of three. Her successful breakthrough in the siege from the predetermined trajectory of mother, to realize their departure from the worldly success goals? Or, she can restore the footsteps of their parents fled the marriage, let them return home? Finally, all the suspense to reveal the mystery of the moment, Yang Seoul Perak has remained in Beijing, the truth and despair, painstaking Chong road paved daughter treated as dirt, the mode of education failed. At this time, Li Bohuai remarriage underway storm, one has always been they ignore the fact that this retarded parents: Perak had care so much about the integrity of the family, so fragile. Parents began to reflect, rethink the family, responsibility, and how when a pair of qualified parents, and together they find the way to near the heart of the daughter, and jointly make a decision: to remarry! When Charlie finally won the opportunity to have a family, she found that: he never lost these, she gave up its mind and let their parents a way to allow them the free exercise of the rights of their own lives at the same time, she also want to open Yang Seoul put a way out, so she went to self-realization. Parents are no longer the child's parents, the child is no longer a child of parents, two generations self. The youngest Young fir ranks far Ningxia, indifferent nature, married to the money of their own entertainment who come in, willing to find in ordinary life, worldly happiness, and she wanted this life philosophy passed along to my daughter the money demo, but did not. Sample rebellious yearning Beijing, yearning for freedom, longing for love, she wanted to break away from the mother bondage rope, to an extraordinary, self-realization, and marching to success, she must autonomy firmly grasped in his hand! However, the reality is not as she had imagined so beautiful, one after a failure experience, she gradually realized what is social, what is the rule, what is the strength, but did not expect, the greater the hardships and trials still to come . Her struggle in the pursuit of individuality, the father "who died" when the money came in a paraplegic, the sample did not realize: the error in front of the personality how trivial. Since then, her life changed the proposition: the ideal is no longer for themselves, the achievement is no longer the fame and fortune, responsibility is her biggest goal, she was weak but tenacious courage, support from his father's survival. Love is faced with a dilemma: She likes Fang Yu family to help zero, love can not substitute for bread; Gao Qi addition, a new man, can become the best partner for all aspects of support for her demo how to choose? Love if you want to become a reality of relief supplies? In the ordinary down to earth, there is no opportunity to self-realization? Responsibility for the negative fall in love in the face of heavy reality, but also tough to adhere to in the end do? The beginning of the three sisters, confident broke into the society, no one thought that real life is, I did not expect growth to be accompanied by such pain. They experienced a loss, struggle, contradictions, mistakes, cast remorse, or even through the extreme, but they finally learned the empiricism of their idealism and their parents the combination out of a mature way with personalized color. They are young, time correction, hope for the future! My youth from me, you call the shots!

    老北京的杨家三姐妹,早年在时代大潮的推动下分布在祖国各地,她们在当地扎根、结婚、生子,不同环境下成长起来的新一代也各自经历着不同的悲喜人生。向往闯荡世界的钱小样(王珞丹 饰)不顾妈妈阻拦毅然踏上北去的列车,并暂住姥姥家。她顶住母亲的压力,决定在这个陌生的故乡打出自己的一片天空;表姐赵青楚(赵子琪 饰)此前离开上海在北京求学,如愿进入一家律师事务所的她面临着来自职场、爱情、家人乃至社会多方的挑战。在英国求学的李霹雳(林园 饰)为给姥爷奔丧回到北京,却不知父母已经悄悄离婚。当得知真相后,她试图阻止父亲的婚事。

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