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Memories in the brothel / 妓院里的回忆

Memories in the brothel / 妓院里的回忆

Actors:Aphthous Thea Aier Qi / Adela Haanel / Jasmine Teli Ka /

Category:Story Director:Unknown

Year:2011 Updated:2012-04-24 16:50:07 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Memories in the brothel / 妓院里的回忆
    Story movie < Memories in the brothel / 妓院里的回忆 >
    Stars:Aphthous Thea Aier Qi / Adela Haanel / Jasmine Teli Ka /
    Storyline:Cold at night , this is the warmest place in all Paris ... Paris in the late 19th century is moving toward the end of the gorgeous age , from different backgrounds and sectors of the " Lapuluonai senior brothel girls are wearing elegant clothes , drinking high-level champagne to comfort all kinds of male guests with warm fair body . Madeleine positive youth metamorphosis guests to razor gash cheeks become prostitutes the " Lapuluonai always smiling , life with her ​​deformity weird smile , looking at men of all incoming and outgoing Lapuluonai some enjoy the desires beast , some looking for a short warm patrons . They began to dry volume in this wallpaper , no longer shiny silver Happy building to listen to opera, dance, talks a lot about the dissatisfaction with the political situation , and then turn into the bedroom , but an odd request sisters dressed up dolls dolls or Japanese geisha .
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