Current Location:Index » Story movie » 美国撒旦 movie online Watch


Actors:丹妮丝·理查兹 / 约翰·C·布莱德利 / 波波·斯图尔特 / 马尔科姆·麦克道威尔 /

Category:Story Director:Ash Avildsen /

Year:2016 Updated:2018-02-01 14:27:06 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: 美国撒旦
    Story movie < 美国撒旦 >
    Director:Ash Avildsen /
    Stars:丹妮丝·理查兹 / 约翰·C·布莱德利 / 波波·斯图尔特 / 马尔科姆·麦克道威尔 /
    Storyline:A young rock band, half from England and half from the US, drop out of college and move to the Sunset Strip to chase their dreams. Living in a van, their passion and talent exceed their means to survive. An enigmatic stranger sees their true potential and emotionally manipulates them during a time of weakness. Caught in the middle of a Faustian deal, their music and controversial altercations end up influencing society beyond anything this century has seen, but can they take back control of their destiny before it's too late?
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