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Murderer / 凶宅

Murderer / 凶宅

Actors:Maggie / the Zhaohui / liyaoxiang / the Lihui Xian / He Yanhua /

Category:Horror Director:Unknown

Updated:2012-04-24 17:02:04 

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Story about: Murderer / 凶宅
    Horror movie < Murderer / 凶宅 >
    Stars:Maggie / the Zhaohui / liyaoxiang / the Lihui Xian / He Yanhua /
    Storyline:Cheng Xuezhen originally have a happy family , a love for her husband , a 10 - year - old daughter of Ling . Did not last long , husband, drug addiction , degenerated into robbers , eventually shot and killed his colleague Wei . From snow Zhen each other, with her daughter moved to the cheap rent a house to live . Snow Ching to find a night shift to shift work and night a -ling at home . One night , Ling to see a child had diarrhea soaked sitting on her desk doing homework . Ling is very scared and told his mother , was snow Ching scold . Gradually , the snow Ching felt house eccentric , and often there will be some strange voice sounded like someone peep behind ... This is a haunted house . Six months ago , Jessica Yeung young woman whose husband Gan Guoqiang mistresses , drowned -year-old son and then hanged himself . Snow Ching would like to ask for help , he was insane Gan Guoqiang broke into the home . Sweet of them lay violent hands when the ghost of Jessica Yeung and her son suddenly appeared ...
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