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Insignificant things / 微不足道的事情

Insignificant things / 微不足道的事情

Actors:Baolin Na Gaitan / Carmelo Gomez / Blanca / Guerra / exposed /

Category:Story Director:Unknown

Updated:2012-05-02 08:44:00 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Insignificant things / 微不足道的事情
    Story movie < Insignificant things / 微不足道的事情 >
    Stars:Baolin Na Gaitan / Carmelo Gomez / Blanca / Guerra / exposed /
    Storyline:Girl Esmeralda has an unusual idea : her collection of strangers, lost , forgotten abandoned things and hid them in the box under the bed . The film tells the story of the three items in the box , and their owners , to some extent they have in common is no way to contact their favorite people . The film tells the story of the box , Esmeralda, how to learn to open it , sensing and storage one of the most precious things - relationships ......
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