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Deng Xiaoping / 邓小平

Deng Xiaoping / 邓小平

Actors:Lucci /

Category:Story Director:Unknown

Updated:2012-05-02 22:17:09 

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Story about: Deng Xiaoping / 邓小平
    Story movie < Deng Xiaoping / 邓小平 >
    Stars:Lucci /
    Storyline:By the Chinese Communist Party Literature Research Center , the State Administration of Radio Film and Television ( SARFT ) , the CPC Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department , the Shenzhen Municipal Government jointly planning, Radio and Television Bureau of Guangdong Province , Shenzhen Municipal Publicity Department , China Movie Channel , Pearl River Film Company , jointly produced large-scale feature film " Deng Xiaoping " , a combination of documentary and impressionistic approach , focus on displaying the CPC Central Committee and the second generation of collective leadership with Deng Xiaoping as the core , led the Chinese people to break through the shackles of " leftist " thinking , reform and opening up , forge ahead , building has made ​​remarkable achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics , vividly portrays the patriotic spirit of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's an outstanding leader of the Chinese people and the extraordinary leadership , reproduction of the great personality of the century charm and noble demeanor , review reform the opening to the outside to lead the Chinese people took to the wealthy , the passion of the golden age of the well-off road .
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