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Pig Man embarrassing crisis / 猪猪侠之囧囧危机

Pig Man embarrassing crisis / 猪猪侠之囧囧危机

Actors:Pig Man / Superman strong / the Feifei Princess / confused teacher /

Category:cartoon Director:Unknown

Year:2012 Updated:2012-07-05 10:34:29 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Pig Man embarrassing crisis / 猪猪侠之囧囧危机
    cartoon movie < Pig Man embarrassing crisis / 猪猪侠之囧囧危机 >
    Stars:Pig Man / Superman strong / the Feifei Princess / confused teacher /

    planet = a large egg ? The large eggs have a ready to make the giant chicken ? ? The only giant chicken about to hatch it? ? ? That ! Not the end of the world is it? !
    This planet egg theory " appears to be very lame, but it broke took place in a fairy tale on the planet , which unfortunately is When botanist F Bond , this devastating theory , in exchange for only ridicule and disdain , and even his own son Pig Man ran away from home .
    Campus , the Wal-Mart relied on my father everywhere, bullying the weak "rich second Superman strong case of the grass family born Baodabuping Pig Man , the latter its attractiveness effort囧dead manufacture a laundry list of embarrassing stories to tell , a campus farce prompting the curtain !
    When the landslide , to crack , the tsunami followed the end of a star-studded rave being played ! Little Red Riding Hood always with a hat because they despise their own bald ? Queen's poison apple to Snow White Goddess even catch a big migration of frogs took away ? Sleeping Beauty was originally their own singing "Lullaby of hypnosis ? Bizarre and hilarious plot , unrestrained imagination , through time and space to subvert the "grassroots heroes " Pig Man will once again super incarnations to save the fairy planet !

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