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Dragon Inn / 龙门客栈

Dragon Inn / 龙门客栈

Actors:Lingfeng Shangguan / Chun Shih / Tien Miao / Feng Hsu / Ying-Chieh Han /

Category:Action Director:King Hu /

Updated:2015-11-03 08:36:57 

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Action Related Videos - Latest Action movie
Down Url:Online Down Dragon Inn,Mobile phone video format,flv,在线下载龙门客栈,支持手机格式
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Story about: Dragon Inn / 龙门客栈
    Action movie < Dragon Inn / 龙门客栈 >
    Director:King Hu /
    Stars:Lingfeng Shangguan / Chun Shih / Tien Miao / Feng Hsu / Ying-Chieh Han /
    Storyline:Middle of the Ming Dynasty , Bingbushangshu Yu Qian was the eunuch Cao Jixiang framed , sacrificed " For Ying Li Outlying Prefectures crimes " . The eldest son at the crown , the second son of Yu Guangzhou , the eldest daughter in Hin banished gantry . The Dongchang eunuch Cao Shaoqin for the extermination Miqian the henchmen in destabilize the way will be Run out brothers and sisters , but for Yu Qian Jioubu Zhu Ji rescued . The Cao is sent Dongchang the large file scalp Shaotang second gear head the Mao Zongxian posing Gyobu Chaiguan upfront rushed to the Dragon Inn . Less thing for the righteous Xiao information , also rushed to the Dragon Inn , the the main and inn stack Wu Ning jointly wisdom to rescue Zhongliang after . At this point , Zhu Ji Zhu Hui , disguised as a man 's sister arrived at the inn. Midnight , Pishao tong attacked Zhu Hui brothers and sisters , an attempt to put the blame Xiao less , in the fight , Xiao Zhu Hui was actually found girl Fortunately, by the the master Wu stack explain the situation , is to remove misunderstandings . Soon siblings at home be escorted to the Dragon Inn . Two sides to start a fight , Pi Shao -tang , Mao Zongxian lost to retreat . The next day , martial Cao Shaoqin mobilize people rushed . Finally, after a war , Xiao fewer AIDS , siblings Zhujia Wu stack master together kill Cao Shaoqin rescued in Shi Xiongmei . Film in 1967 the sixth Taiwan Golden Horse Award for Excellence in Drama Award , Best Screenplay Award .
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