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Snake-shaped hand / Snake in the Eagle's Shadow / 蛇形刁手

Snake-shaped hand / Snake in the Eagle's Shadow / 蛇形刁手

Actors:Jackie Chan / Yuan Xiaotian / hwangjanglee / Stone day / Chen Long /

Category:Action Director:Woo-ping Yuen /

Updated:2014-10-15 01:10:42 

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Action Related Videos - Latest Action movie
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Story about: Snake-shaped hand / Snake in the Eagle's Shadow / 蛇形刁手
    Action movie < Snake-shaped hand / Snake in the Eagle's Shadow / 蛇形刁手 >
    Director:Woo-ping Yuen /
    Stars:Jackie Chan / Yuan Xiaotian / hwangjanglee / Stone day / Chen Long /

    Jackie Chan is a boy who is used as a janitor at his kung-fu school. Jackie Chan can't fight and is always getting bullied by the teacher and pupils. One day an old man helps Jackie train in an art of kung-fu called the ' Snake's Fist '. Jackie doesn't get bullied again. Then Jacki creates his own style and mixes it with the Snake's Fist. His style is based on the movement and action of a cat. One day the old man is in trouble by a man who does ' The Eagle's Claw' and Jackie helps the old man.Jackie Chan is a boy who is used as a janitor at his kung-fu school. Jackie Chan can't fight and is always getting bullied by the teachers and pupils...

    rivers and lakes , of the two the martial art Ying Zhuamen and serpentine door generations of hostility, both wanted to thoroughly eradicate the other . Month a dark and stormy night , Yingzhao Men assault serpentine door , snake-like door was a bloodbath , only elders white long days ( Yuan Xiaotian ornaments ) lucky to escape . The white long days to escape the Ying Zhuamen kill anonymity in the marketplace .
    Day, white long day marketplace rogue bully street martial arts odd jobs Kan Fook (Jackie Chan) , to help white long days away rogue who ; subsequently exposed the the identity white long days was Yingzhua Men ambushed fortunate was Kan Fook Lu Yu is extended only to a narrow escape . White long day decided to teach Kan Fook serpentine boxing , smart, studious Kan Fook innovation in learning serpentine boxing original Snake hand . Ying Zhuamen her door again , Kan Fook to stand up in order to master .

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