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Match Point / 赛末点

Match Point / 赛末点

Actors:Jonathan Rhys Meyers / Scarlett Johansson / Matthew Goode / Emily Mortimer / Brian Cox / Miranda Raison /

Category:Story Director:Unknown

Year:2005 Updated:2017-03-09 15:56:03 

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Story about: Match Point / 赛末点
    Story movie < Match Point / 赛末点 >
    Stars:Jonathan Rhys Meyers / Scarlett Johansson / Matthew Goode / Emily Mortimer / Brian Cox / Miranda Raison /
    Storyline:Wilton is one from Ireland to London tennis coach, he met through tennis of Tom Hivate and middle-class families . Tom 's sister Chloe love at first sight of Wilton , Wilton has a crush on Tom's girlfriend - actress Nora , two people have a living off others suffered the same fate of the flu , and the occurrence of a one-night stand . Soon , Wilton and Chloe get married, and the Hewitt family of merchants , and Tom broke up with Nora . After a certain period of time , Wilton Nora encounter , Wilton has returned with her lovers . Chloe married and always wanted a child, can not always do so , proper Wilton deal between the good and wealthy wife , Chloe and sexy lover , Nora , Nora suddenly pregnant . She refused the abortion, Wilton must tell the truth Luoke Yi and with breaking up . Wilton does not Ainuo La , he decided to choose a superior life to kill Nora . The end he killed Nora and her landlord , and a series of coincidences and smooth out the law on the suspect .
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