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Justified Season 4 / 火线警探 第四季

Justified Season 4 / 火线警探 第四季

Actors:Timothy Olyphant / Nick Searcy / Joelle Carter / Jacob Pitts / Erica Tazel / Walton Goggin / Patton Oswalt / Ron Eldard / Joseph Mazzello / Chris Chalk / Brian Howe / Jenn Lyon / David Meunier / Abby Miller / Lindsay Pulsipher /

Category:European American Director:Michael Dinner /

Year:2013 Updated:2014-01-17 17:29:58 

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Story about: Justified Season 4 / 火线警探 第四季
    European American TV < Justified Season 4 / 火线警探 第四季 >
    Director:Michael Dinner /
    Stars:Timothy Olyphant / Nick Searcy / Joelle Carter / Jacob Pitts / Erica Tazel / Walton Goggin / Patton Oswalt / Ron Eldard / Joseph Mazzello / Chris Chalk / Brian Howe / Jenn Lyon / David Meunier / Abby Miller / Lindsay Pulsipher /
    Storyline:January 21, 1983: An older man goes out to his front porch to retrieve the newspaper when there is a flutter and a SPLAT. The man looks back to see someone has crashed into the cul-de-sac, a limp parachute attached to his back and what looks to be packages of cocaine spread around him.

    Present day: Raylan gets a call from Sharon Edmunds (Aja Evans), a former one-night stand from Miami, currently doing bail bonds in Knoxville. She is chasing a murder suspect, Jody Adair, who is rumored to be in Kentucky and offers Raylan $3000 if he happens to be picked up the local police. So Raylan heads out and finds the fugitive (Chris Chalk) attempting to visit his estranged wife to see his children. She won't allow it -- and he goes back to his car and grabs a gun. Raylan surprises Adair first, ordering him to stand down. "You ain't gonna shoot me," says the bail jumper. True. Instead, Raylan shoots the steering wheel, exploding the air bag. He cuffs the stunned Adair and calls Sharon to negotiate a new price to bring the fugitive in himself.

    Boyd, meanwhile, is talking to Hiram (David Ury) who claims to have been saved by a preacher set up in a tent in the woods. He claims Boyd's Oxycontin sales have been dropping because a number of addicts have become hooked on The Lord. He also claims to have flushed many pounds of the drug -- stuff he was supposed to sell for Boyd. Suddenly, there is an explosion outside, shattering the window. Boyd, who had firebombed his car, warns that the next "firecracker" will go off inside Hiram's kitchen if the man doesn't come up with the cash to cover the missing drugs.

    Elsewhere, a young couple, Benny (Casey Brown) and Roz (Alexandra Kyle), break into Arlo's abandoned house, ostensibly to strip it of copper wire, but in the process discover a mysterious canvas bag, marked "Confidentail Diplomatic Bag," in the wall. They make a run for it when they hear police sirens and disappear into the night -- much to the chagrin of constable Bob Sweeney (Patton Oswalt). Bob calls Raylan with the news, so the marshal throws his fugitive into the trunk and heads to his dad's house. Turns out Raylan got Bob, an old classmate, the job of local constable so he could watch the empty house. Inside the mystery bag, Raylan finds a driver's license issued in 1979 to a "Waldo Truth."

    Ellen May (Abby Miller), meanwhile, is entertaining a regular client, Arnold (Brian Howe), in her trailer. She does a line of some drug -- not meth, something else -- packed in a fake million-dollar bill from the same church Hiram referenced. Arnold has the addled young whore cover her eyes for a surprise, and emerges wearing a bear costume. Drug-addled and confused, Ellen May mistakes the fetish costumed "John" for an actual wild animal. Panicked, she pulls a gun and shoots him, non-lethally. Later, Ava (Joelle Carter) scolds her employee and worries about cleaning it up.

    Raylan shops at the local hardware store operated by Mike Jackson (Howard S. Miller) when Roz enters. She tries and succeeds to delay Raylan from exiting, even flashing her breasts. When Raylan does finally exit, he discovers that his car has been stolen. Not only was the canvas bag inside -- likely the target -- but so was Adair, still manacled in the trunk.

    At Johnny's bar, Ava, thinking of the fake bill and drugs found on Ellen May, wonders if some "backwoods preacher" is intruding on their Oxy trade. Johnny (David Meunier), by now out of his wheelchair and using a cane, promises to check it out.

    Only not just yet. He's out in the bar shooting pool when Ava comes out to get Boyd a Dr. Pepper. A man at the bar is asking to see Boyd. Naturally, Johnny denies knowing any such individual. So the man shoves over Johnny and heads for the back room. Ava grabs a shotgun as she and bartender Jimmy (Jesse Luken) follow -- only to find Boyd and the man, Colton Rhodes (Ron Eldard), hugging and laughing. Turns out Colt is former military police who had jailed Boyd more than a few times.

    Raylan is joined by Bob, who fancies himself a one-man dispenser of justice. Raylan, who actually fits that description, is amused. The smile quickly fades, however, when Bob mentions that the car thieves will probably have his vehicle stripped and crushed at the scrap yard. Raylan explains there's something in the car he doesn't want crushed. The two arrive to find Raylan's ride is safe... only Adair is missing from the trunk. Yard operator Henry (Terry Dale Parks) is not being very cooperative so Raylan puts the slug on him.

    Raylan investigates a nearby work shed to find the young couple and his missing fugitive. An argument ensues. Adair wants Roz, who is holding a gun, to shoot the marshal. Raylan promises her that she and Benny can skate on the car theft charge if she hands over the gun. Then Henry, who knows the young couple, enters with his own gun, having overpowered the hapless Bob.

    Raylan swings at the scrap yard operator, who goes down. In the ensuing seconds of chaos, Adair grabs Roz' gun and holds it to her head. Bob, who ended up on the floor, pulls a knife and stabs her in the foot, though he was aiming for Adair's foot. She screams and falls backward, enabling Givens to disarm the bail jumper. Givens the wants to know what the young couple really wanted from his car. Turns out they were after the mysterious bag which they had seen Raylan exit his father's house with. "How come?" asks Raylan.

    Elsewhere, Colt explains that he was kicked out of the military for shooting a superior officer in the bicep after a dispute during an inter-unit baseball game. Boyd offers his friend a job. But first, a try-out. Boyd has some unfinished business to address and suggests Colt join him. "Let's just see how it goes," Boyd says.

    Raylan takes the canvas bag to prison to visit dear old dad. He posits that Arlo hired the young couple to retrieve the bag, but Arlo feigns ignorance. Raylan shows him the driver's license belonging to Waldo Truth. "My advice is just put that bag back in the wall and forget about it," Arlo says. Raylan asks "Who said anything about a wall?" Arlo clams up and calls for the guard to take him back to his cell.

    Boyd, in the meantime, has duct taped Hiram to his chair with two sticks of dynamite in his lap. A long fuse gets closer and closer to the explosives before Hiram confesses that Boyd's money is under the lawn mower. "I wanted to give it to the church," Hiram says. "Preacher Billy is saving them one sinner at a time." As they turn to leave, Boyd tells Colt to "take care of him." So Colt shoots the man in the head. The only problem: Boyd meant for Colt to untie Hiram. "I guess I'll have to be more careful with my words," Boyd says. Looks like Boyd has found a new and brutal soldier.

    Raylan returns to his apartment above Kent Chilobeck's bar and puts his bounty money away in a drawer. He is apparently trying to make a little extra on the side because of his new arrival with estranged Winona. He has a romantic encounter with bar maid Lindsey Salazar (Jenn Lyon) who take taken a quick break to use Raylan's bathroom.

    Across town, Boyd hides the money he recovered from Hiram in the overhead of his office. He apparently doesn't want Ava to know about it.

    Still farther across town, Preacher Billy (Joseph Mazzello) preaches and dances while handling poisonous snakes as his sister, Cassie (Lindsay Pulsipher), quietly looks on. In the congregation is Ellen May, who truly does need saving.

    In prison, Trustee Sam (Christopher Weir) who saw Raylan with the bag, approaches Arlo about it. Sam recognized the bag and might have guessed it's origin. Arlo plays it coy until the trustee turns his back, then stabs the man in the neck with a prison shank, a sharpened toothbrush handle, opening up his jugular.

    He calmly returns to his bunk as Sam exsanguinates on the floor outside his cell.

    The mystery of the bag is apparently worth killing over.
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