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The Eighth Foute Army  / 八路军

The Eighth Foute Army / 八路军

Actors:Wang Wufu / Yao Jude / Liu Jin / Tang Guoqiang / Guo Lianwen /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2005 Updated:2013-10-06 22:08:54 

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Story about: The Eighth Foute Army / 八路军
    Chinese TV < The Eighth Foute Army / 八路军 >
    Stars:Wang Wufu / Yao Jude / Liu Jin / Tang Guoqiang / Guo Lianwen /

    The first panoramic display of the whole process of the leadership of the Communist Party of China the Eight Route Army bloody war, focus on the performance of the dominant position of the Eight Route Army led by the Chinese Communist Party in the national war of resistance and the important role of. The drama from the integral admiral of the world anti fascist war and the historical process of China's Anti Japanese War, the history, the relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the Anti Japanese War the three stages of the protracted war, vivid, image, clearly revealed; profoundly exposed the Japanese militarists waged a war of aggression to the Chinese people disaster, and why did Chinese people to rise up against, why Chinese people chose the Communist Party of China, why the Communist Party of China is the backbone of the Chinese nation in the war of resistance!
    "Important historical events of the Eight Route Army" covered the vast, the height of the war of resistance against Japan "persistence theory, using the Anti Japanese guerrilla tactics, the multiple levels of Anti-Japanese generals image mold, the historical truth and fiction together, the war scenes grand heroic described, its performance and anti Japanese passion heroism, marking the 60 anniversary of the victory of the war of resistance in the film and television works" the Eight Route Army "is one of the most comprehensive, most of the weight, the most epic meaning a masterpiece, has a history of cognitive value is very deep and very important realistic meaning of education.
    "The Eight Route Army" in narrative structure, five the Eight Route Army soldiers fictitious bravery and "story five abacus beads", design unique, profound; "the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the joint anti Japanese", especially the Kuomintang General Huang and the Eight Route Army unique relationship performance, very new, very good grasp. The character design and story woven, greatly increased the story and visibility of the play.

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