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Huang He Nv Ren / 黄河女人

Huang He Nv Ren / 黄河女人

Actors:Tang Na / Haiying Sun / Hei Zi /

Category:Story Director:Unknown

Year:2013 Updated:2014-02-26 22:38:43 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Huang He Nv Ren / 黄河女人
    Story movie < Huang He Nv Ren / 黄河女人 >
    Stars:Tang Na / Haiying Sun / Hei Zi /

    Victoria who lives in the Yellow River, she is an ordinary woman at the bottom of society. Faced with environmental pollution, jade lotus life twists and turns, destruction, the seemingly very weak life and survival instincts that she inadvertently become our hero, she has self rescue consciousness all struggle and formed a strong rebel forces. Jade lotus played by Tang Na. Playing the female lead actress Tang Na in the film "the last Gana Deer Hunter", and therefore won the best actress award for the golden stag; play the actress Suzyna in the film "white camel", the film was "Huabiao Award"; Liang Sanni played the lead in commemoration of the long march of the red army on TV drama "Long March" in the years, the play won "flying Award"; to play the heroine in drama "north line has no war", the play won the prize of excellent works.

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