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Lie Ren Gong Hui / 猎人公会之非你莫属

Lie Ren Gong Hui / 猎人公会之非你莫属

Actors:Li Lin / Ban Jiajia / Huang Yixin / Qiao Shan / Zhang Benyu /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2015 Updated:2015-03-11 13:11:23 

Update status:Updates to the 5 episodeShare:

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Story about: Lie Ren Gong Hui / 猎人公会之非你莫属
    Chinese TV < Lie Ren Gong Hui / 猎人公会之非你莫属 >
    Stars:Li Lin / Ban Jiajia / Huang Yixin / Qiao Shan / Zhang Benyu /

    Domestic first gear to reality show program as to network, linkage, atypical workplace Comedy Network comedy and make full use of the Internet and the creative thinking. "The hunter's guild" Sambo: stingy and tongue's embarrassed old ding a hair, evil and pretty girl jasmine, "Lan Xiang" outstanding student, atypical technology Indoorsman carey. The three career killer with a glorious record away the 87 director in a short period of one year success angered the big boss, was under a "and then move not a director, will be out!" Command. So the three of them in the coming days has met to repent thoroughly of one's misdeeds "kleptomania patients" leaf Xiao, because beauty and facing workplace troubled Beauty Rose, "yellow angel" smell fart o division administration, the loss of confidence in the "Bomb brick", selling graveyard liar road and mystify "big Yin and Yang teacher" and a series of weirdo wonderful applicants, launched a comedy with touched, Wulitou accompanied by the warmth of the workplace a recruitment trip. In this journey, they gradually find that persistence upon entering the workplace and strong, happy and beautiful.

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