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Grey Met Shrek / 奇缘灰姑娘

Grey Met Shrek / 奇缘灰姑娘

Actors:Ronald Cheng / Sammy Leung / Annie Liu /

Category:Love Director:Shu-Ning Hui /

Year:2014 Updated:2015-03-27 16:45:36 

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Story about: Grey Met Shrek / 奇缘灰姑娘
    Love movie < Grey Met Shrek / 奇缘灰姑娘 >
    Director:Shu-Ning Hui /
    Stars:Ronald Cheng / Sammy Leung / Annie Liu /
    Storyline:Everyone wants to be in his or her own fairy tale, but sometimes, fairy tales don't turn out the way you expect. This is the story of how Grey Met Shrek. Grey (Annie Liu, Natural Born Lovers) is an office worker with a bit of a shopping addiction. One day, just after being fired, she comes across a gorgeous pair of shoes that she couldn't possibly afford. Before she fully understood what she was doing, she's stolen the shoes, and in a desperate bid to escape, she climbs into a truck. As fate would have it, the truck is also a stolen good, and the person who stole it is none other than the person currently driving it, small-time crook Shrek (Ronald Cheng, The Four III). What follows is a 16-hour whirlwind journey that sees Grey and Shrek getting into one scrape after another and falling in love on the way.
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