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Rabbit-proof fence  / 防兔篱笆

Rabbit-proof fence / 防兔篱笆

Actors:Lynn Everett - Pete / Diya Na - Sanz Bury /

Category:Story Director:Unknown

Year:2000 Updated:2012-04-24 16:17:00 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Rabbit-proof fence / 防兔篱笆
    Story movie < Rabbit-proof fence / 防兔篱笆 >
    Stars:Lynn Everett - Pete / Diya Na - Sanz Bury /
    Storyline: early 20th century , the Australian government for indigenous people to implement a plan to whites the tribe left the Half-Blood children forcibly taken away from their indigenous mothers side , and sent to the Moore River camp , the transformation of Anglo- Australians . The surface, seems to be training in order to more cheap labor , but in fact this cruel plan behind the hide a more sinister purpose . As the indigenous of the Australian Government as a lower race , is bound to choose the natural rules of survival in the natural to be eliminated , extinction , in order to "protect" them , the Government decided in order to gradually "improved" their origin : these have been Caucasian descent Aboriginal descent in addition will receive a series of "education" , was also forced to intermarry with whites . ...

    In camps, they are stricter controls , prohibit the use of indigenous languages ​​and customs , or even inform them of the children without parents . Poor living conditions but also their physical and mental battered . ...

    14-year-old Molly can not put up with this inhuman torture , the thoughts of the mother leaving her firm determination to flee . Her adventure with the 8 - year-old sister Daisy and 10 - year - old cousin Gracie escaped from the camp and began the long return home road 1500 miles long .

    Molly can only rely on the Trans- western anti - rabbit fence barely find the orientation of the hometown . Three girls step by step along the fence went toward home far away , in this three - month journey , they have to beg for a living , get some good help , but also had frightened to escape were ordered to hunt down their Mu Ironically , all - yes, he is also an indigenous Fanatical supporter of the scheme itself to the indigenous people to protect government officials Neville rage, dispatched police to fully search . Gracie was ultimately taken away , Molly and Daisy after the hardships back home, and the protection of the tribe . Today , two 80 -year-old man still living on their own land . ...
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