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Tian Lun / 天伦

Tian Lun / 天伦

Actors:Xiaoyi Chen / Lian Shumei / Cui Lin / Chen Ting / Chen Sisi /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2016 Updated:2016-03-21 13:43:12 

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Story about: Tian Lun / 天伦
    Chinese TV < Tian Lun / 天伦 >
    Stars:Xiaoyi Chen / Lian Shumei / Cui Lin / Chen Ting / Chen Sisi /

    In the play, the fate of an ordinary female clove as the main line, by telling Pei Jia experienced twists and turns of the family changes, tells the story of clove in the huge tide of history of inspirational story, as well as on several non parent female maternal love is the most important Tianlun. The thirty's of the last century, the seventeen year old was forced to marry Pei Wendong for his wife clove. Pei Wendong existing Jeongbang Liang Huixian born two daughter Kim and pearl, seeing Pei Jia to broken incense, Pei Wen Dong Jizhao brother Pei Wendi, forcibly arrangement he married the chosen Mei Yujuan, married Pei Wendi leave without saying goodbye, Mei Yujuan students Pei home four ock anti depression and died. After the liberation, Pei Wendong painfully, clove resolutely with a Jinzhu, pearl, pearl, jade bead back to the provincial capital, opened a snack bar, and children are difficult to survive. Soon, she gave birth to a boy, named zhenda. Over the past ten years, children grow up. Liang Huixian Perry's house "garden" deed, and perfect the mystery of life has been questioned for clove. Pei Wendi suddenly appeared, but with the daughter of ock xingtongmolu. When the clove the surety and Zhenda of life to you one by one account, the sons and daughters of deeply understanding to the lilac as a "mother" of the great. After police tried to match, finally in front of the ock mother Mei Yujuan grave, Pei Wendi, ock father and daughter can confide palpitations, embrace cry Joseph.

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