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The Biggest Toad in the Puddle / 水煮金蟾 / 温水蛤蟆

The Biggest Toad in the Puddle / 水煮金蟾 / 温水蛤蟆

Actors:Lei Fan / Yang Hua / Yan Jie / Yang Jinger / Wang Xiaoxi /

Category:Comedy Director:Wi Ding Ho /

Year:2014 Updated:2016-12-03 17:19:53 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: The Biggest Toad in the Puddle / 水煮金蟾 / 温水蛤蟆
    Comedy movie < The Biggest Toad in the Puddle / 水煮金蟾 / 温水蛤蟆 >
    Director:Wi Ding Ho /
    Stars:Lei Fan / Yang Hua / Yan Jie / Yang Jinger / Wang Xiaoxi /
    Storyline:Toad Village, Hebei province, northern China, the present day. Tian Sheng (Fan Lei) and his old friend Baolai (Li Sibo) are among several worker who are affected when local mine owner Wang Liming (Yang Hua) cuts production and lays off worker, still owing them three months' wages. Baolai decides to look for work in the city; the indecisive Tian Sheng return to his wife Xia Ying (Yang Jinger) and young son Guagua (Zhou Chenghao) to ponder his future. When the village head (Wang Xiaoxi) announces that residents will be allocated plots of land in compenation for a new motorway that will be built nearby, Tian Sheng ends up with the Northern Plot, the wort of all. However, while having a hole drilled on it to find water for the house he'll build there, he finds there's a hot spring under his plot - a discovery that could potentially make him rich and tranform the economy of Toad Village. Suddenly everyone wants to know Tian Sheng and his family. The village head recommends that Tian ...
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