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Cyborg  / 机器侠

Cyborg / 机器侠

Actors:Jeff Lau / Hu Jun / Sun Li / Alex / Ronald /

Category:Science fiction Director:Unknown

Year:2009 Updated:2012-04-24 16:20:11 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Cyborg / 机器侠
    Science fiction movie < Cyborg / 机器侠 >
    Stars:Jeff Lau / Hu Jun / Sun Li / Alex / Ronald /
    Storyline: " Cyborg " story about the year 2046 , the relevant departments to design a male machine people ( Alex Fong ) , and to set Freeze the truth of the program , into the lives of ordinary people in order to make this robot , the designers sent him with the Ningbo go Matang a residents of the home , and human life . Unexpectedly , the head of the household 's sister soon fell in love with the robot , and human love , this robot trying to change their procedures , they have erred , the result a lot of unintended humor . At this point , the relevant departments to get the message , sent four robots ready to kill a male robot , in the worst-case scenario , the male robot for love pieces .
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