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Together and watch the meteor shower  / 一起又看流星雨

Together and watch the meteor shower / 一起又看流星雨

Actors:Shuang Zheng Zhang Han Yu Hao Ming /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2010 Updated:2012-04-24 15:22:00 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Together and watch the meteor shower / 一起又看流星雨
    Chinese TV < Together and watch the meteor shower / 一起又看流星雨 >
    Stars:Shuang Zheng Zhang Han Yu Hao Ming /

    August 9, Hunan TV-made idol drama "went to see the meteor shower, "the sequel to" watch the meteor shower together "about landing the mango. New bomb" meteor shower "fire. New entrants to the" flow "of the drama to talk about Lena worried themselves into hate being" 3 ", Yu Hao Ming is revealed acceptable than their year-old 's Max Planck. "To see the meteor shower launch four new songs in August 9, was looking forward to
    " Together and watch the meteor shower in August to launch JiangYingRong such as singing songs
    "Thundershowers" second incoming H4 finally rich

    Avery Princeton campus, freshmen and sunny. Benedictine College Shanghai Campus hearts disappeared Murong clouds year-old became a "legend" , the students were curious about his story, and have been silly to wait for the rain clouds returned Qian planted a champagne rose as sustenance, she heard the language of flowers of this rose is all wishes come true ". Regardless of wind and sun, rain Qian have been carefully nurtured a rose, she is looking forward to one day own a sea of ​​clouds suddenly appeared.


    distant island, the clouds are recipients of restorative treatment, this is a painful and difficult process, fragments of memory, such as glass, dense thorn in his heart, no idea. Kind of have a feeling that the unusually strong - life is missing something, but this loss is undoubtedly his most valuable. Finally, the clouds decided to secretly leave the island, even searched all over the world, he must find a dream to make him sad back.


    However, in the process of looking for, they unexpectedly encountered in the foreign Jiang Yuan. Lady like Jiang Yuan love at first sight on the sea of clouds, the clouds also mistakenly Jiang Yuan as their own dreams so often dreamed of Yu Qian, the two you come to me produced a spark ...


    back home, SHEN Feng know the things of the sea of ​​clouds and Jiang Yuan, had an idea you want to thoroughly cut off the son and the possibility of rain Qian composite. SHEN Feng their grasp all the information on rain Qian and clouds in the past to disclose to the Jiang Yuan, subject to good ideas. Has fallen in love with the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Yuan loved carried away by SHEN Feng trick step by step to change the memory of the sea of ​​clouds.


    the Duanmu

    has been like a brother to protect the rain Qian, and encouraged her to adhere to wait until the clouds recovery. H4 instigated by the other three, we began to try to help the sea of ​​clouds "yesterday once more." They tried a variety of ways to make a repeat in the clouds of life now and Yu Qian had a picture. But always one step ahead of the Jiang Yuan, self-defeating result is to make clouds more convinced that the Jiang Yuan is his girlfriend in front of the amnesia. Clouds denounced H3 and Yu Qian Do not deceive ourselves in this manner, Yu Qian heard such as a bolt from the blue, heartbroken.


    < p> unfortunate thing also affects several other young adults. The Shangguan not satisfied with the life of freedom is bound, and the small fishing between the order because of who and play the game do quarrel constantly, until it was referred to the point where you want to break up; has been elevated into the cloud's Group Chief Financial Officer and corporate affairs of the Prime Minister The busy clouds, and Ye Shuo chance to spend time getting shorter. Gradually found that the clouds, the leaves sparkle seems to be a short -term medicine of love Lin Xiaoli and their own wounds, only soothe the wound, the suspension of pain, but can not be permanently cured. Two of them in a variety of topics on life more and said less than together, the intersection of fewer and fewer. Plus Lin Xiaoli of returning back, but also love in the rain, crumbling lovers facing a break up situation.


    hot air balloon, the shattered fragments gradually clear. Clouds suddenly recalled all the memories from the unforgettable love between he and Yu Qian, his back that most precious memories!


    originally thought that this be considered to poke the dark clouds and see tomorrow, Yu Qian, and clouds of love, but not so smooth, the school's stringent rules and regulations and about to graduate academic pressure, rain Qian and clouds a few times face being dropped dangerous. However, by virtue of their own feelings of the firm and determination to pursue their dreams, the help of friends, through the storm.


    SHEN Feng learned Yu Qian and clouds composite message, they began to find ways to break up the two. Including Feng Shen told her that he was not a hate rain Qian, but for the sake of the future of the sea of ​​clouds.


    repeated attacks of the Shen tricks with Feng and Jiang Yuan, Yu Qian and feelings of the sea of ​​clouds again and again appear the crisis. At this time, has been quietly care Yu Qian the Duanmu make a sacrifice, close to Jiang Yuan. His encouragement , Jiang Yuan, to tell their own life experience.


    original Jiang Yuan an early age her parents divorced, brought up by his father. Father, although the discipline is very strict, but the lack of concern for her daughter's. Jiang Yuan childhood feel to lose a very important thing in life, so from an early age belligerent, and do anything to get what she wants. When she found herself falling in love with the sea of ​​clouds, at all want to compete for the feelings of the sea of ​​clouds and rain Qian to satisfy themselves that the "inherent" lack of sense of.


    Jiang Yuan in order to retain the sea of ​​clouds, again to commit suicide. Be rescued, Jiang Yuan, lying in a hospital recuperating, the whole person because of the long-term psychological pressure brought to its knees.



    In order to restore the love of friends, although their terminally ill is still for the good of all and make unremitting efforts, perhaps, his efforts have touched God. Almost incurable terminal illness miraculously healed.


    untying the knots in the heart of

    with the Jiang Yuan, Yu Qian and clouds of feelings toward the clear. On the other hand, clouds and Ye Shuo has also learned to let go, the final break up; Shangguan Society of convergence to accommodate small fishing and they were both re-sweet.

    < br /> soon after

    , ushered in the long-awaited graduation practice. H4, Yu Qian, who, by virtue of their strong and confidence, we have achieved a satisfactory smile. Under the sun, a group of cute tricks men and women smiling into the sky ...

    rise to numerous topics last year with the meteor shower sweltering yet dispersed, with another look at The meteor shower," in turn struck. "Meteor shower" big hot and Yu Hao Ming, Zhang Han, Zheng Shuang , new behind the emergence of a name I must mention, that is well-known idol producer Yao Jia. Recently, this reporter an exclusive interview with Yao Jia, she said, the idol either Ray, as well as the topic.

    "meteor shower" series is the original

    reporters: "Meteor Rain" from the beginning of shooting to broadcast concern, a lot of friends say that this drama Adapted from "Meteor Garden". To see how this argument?

    Yao Chia:" Meteor Rain "is not for the adaptation of the" Meteor Garden "is part of our original works, but the character architecture with "Meteor Garden" is somewhat similar, but drawing on a number of "Meteor Garden" pattern. Our performance is a youth flying, positive spirit.

    Reporter: What do you think the drama would not exist a reference relationship? For example, draw, and then there are the original?

    Yao Kerry: I am now is to do this thing. If the "meteor shower" learn "meteor shower" I out of this reference model in the story is entirely their own original. I hope we can really make localization idol, coupled with our own actor, screenwriter, director, along with culture influence.

    Reporter: I heard "meteor shower "ads have been to 20 million a?" Meteor Rain "make money?

    Yao Jia: Of course, money." Meteor Rain "also sold to Korea. I think the show was said it was mine, South Korea be regarded as the idol in Asia more sophisticated," Meteor Rain " is also South Korea, broadcast, also affected the Korean Tourism Bureau to be in tune "Meteor Rain 2. As for the" meteor shower "specific price, or confidential, but there are tens of millions.

    can not make people say "Ray"

    Reporter: Summer has arrived, and before the "meteor shower "people to say that mine people. The second part will avoid the ridiculous?

    Yao Chia: I am very heartbroken, because the dispute did not. I often listen to the comments of the users, the first place, there I go to improve. Improvement over my hair pictures, everyone says "Yu Hao Ming and handsome ah, that Hanamaki head". When the contrary, I think I was very stressful, "Meteor Rain" series is the topic of users of particular concern. I do not change, will be scolded. If I change , everyone says, there is no topic. So it is entangled. But we do spend a lot of thought on the overall style of the shape, clothing, etc. In fact, we are also past the Department of to rely on. But now I would rather not know how to get.

    Reporter: this audience to your attention, but let your stress?

    Yao Chia: This original work, if you want the audience to see, it is necessary to adapt to them, but also give them to stay out of the topic, such as Yu Hao Ming's hair. Done perfect, the audience not to be concerned. Do drama, certainly have a topic, originality, local, but also make high-quality drama, can not let people unanimously said, "Ray". Is now the second part, I hope the audience can see our progress .

    idol has come to the spring

    Reporter: Do you think we the idol of the domestic TV market is how?

    Yao Chia: In the past, if someone want to see most of the idol, then download the Korean Japanese drama series. Let the local star. Really is an idol doorstep children play, there will be a kind of affinity. As far as I know, a lot of drama kids look, and later led the family to look into. I think the audience may have a feeling that is see happening around the story, unlike the Japanese TV drama drama feel an actor is very far away from us.

    Reporter: So now be considered is the idol of a spring?

    Yao Jia : Among the many themes which the idol is a side door. You did not find our TV distribution and shooting are a gust of wind? Full costume for some time, over a period of time and war spy drama, after a period of time is the theme of public security. This is actually a market behavior, can not say that bad. But I think a theme done to the dead end, the result was not good enough. Instead, the idol of the market has been tepid, because this market is also not stop the boot process, investors have return, generally, if there is no return to grasp the words, investors are not willing to vote in this theme.

    Reporter: Some people say that the idol is like a gust of wind just how do you see?

    Yao Chia: I hope that the idol of the market there is a virtuous cycle can not talk about prosperity, see no. The circle of the TV series is such a rush to state, but from me personally, I hope that each play well, so there will be a virtuous cycle, helps to keep the idol place. Of course, I do not mean that other drama not only idol, that is not the idol is actually broadcast platform requirements is very high.

    Reporter: That this high demand is how to understand it?

    Yao Jia: Why this year's idol in the first half much more, in fact, a careful analysis of you will find these idol dramas are basically TV stations are doing. Idol best a background concession speaking, even if this drama did not shoot, local stations can broadcast will not have much money or interest. If you are an idol for a company to invest in, shooting, issue , he would weigh, not like the local stations one after another out new works.

    paycheck high lift

    Reporter: It is now a widespread problem is the actors fee is too high, but a lot of places are used actor, the cost will not be cheap?

    < br />

    Yao Chia: No, like Yu Hao Ming, Wei Chen and other people basically market- oriented. Include "meteor shower a" first shot a little bit lower, to the "meteor shower", each lasting for 50 percent.

    Reporter: But the actors pay is high reality. For this problem, how do you see?

    Yao Kerry: I think the price lift. If he had the price not in this market, can not get up. It is also dare to do such a thing.

    Reporter: If you filming will not find big cost or because the big cost will be high?

    Yao Jia: To be honest, I personally feel that a good actor of course, also the needs of the drama but it also depends on the film. Are the themes of young people, a very familiar actor to play a student, it is a kind of feeling? There will be an actor own mark in the above. So that the audience will feel always so and so, instead of the characters. Including some big names, he played the role of the audience may not remember. When it comes to drama to just say "such and such a play of that drama. For big, I'd want to have participated in the exercise, but to look at character not in keeping with his character.

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