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Deception world  / 行骗天下

Deception world / 行骗天下

Actors:Edward Burns / Maurice Chestnut /

Category:Action Director:Unknown

Year:2008 Updated:2012-04-24 16:23:50 

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Story about: Deception world / 行骗天下
    Action movie < Deception world / 行骗天下 >
    Stars:Edward Burns / Maurice Chestnut /
    Storyline: Jack Vigo (Edward Burns) do not know is precisely this power to let him go died. Just with the help of his associates defrauded money from credulous where O'Neill. Godot (Paolo Ghia Matt), Hills · Millers (Brian Van Heer Te) and Big Al and the two corrupt officials the perfect scam. But soon, O'Neill and big Al is dead, things are very clear before us: where O'Neill did not exist, Jack knew he was just the big boss - strange crime expert King (Dustin Hoffman ) in the hands of a bargaining chip. No one will be a challenge in front of retreat. Jack King to repay all, it will be a sale of his fraud career. Their goal is with the criminal organization has a deep origin banker Morgan Pierce. Despite the difficulties, Jack decided to gamble. Blonde thieves Lily (Rachel Wei Sizi) also joined, including cooperative loans, credit accounts, including the complexity of plan. Lily has just a hair dyed bright red ready to get down to work, the trouble came, it seems to be a poor predictor of To make matters worse, Jack FBI detectives had with his old rival Guenther tazobactam (Andy Garcia) and Morgan Pierce's henchman Travis (Morris Cai Si Nate) as well as a double agent competition . Jack and his partner to grab the win gambling in front of the criminals and the police. This is a liar, mafia, police, infighting among the film revolves around a pick a hoax about smoke in the interests of a few group of people between the cheated and deceived heart and cunning killing: a clever swindlers, an underworld boss, the detectives of a thunderbolt, one to confuse Americans, the complex relationships between them intimacy and resentment, everyone's behind the hidden conspiracy and secret, to create a lean and of a color story. Liar handsome Jack (Edward Burns played) very clever trick he used his clever, well-designed fraud before each step, often well placed to exploit deception and again succeeded. After the success of many times, Jack is more and more confident, designed to defraud the trick when more and more bold, and finally this time he stumble. He had plans and his associates formed a so-called artists groups, disarray to go to an accountant (Dustin Hoffman), $ 5 million home fraud. He is a successful scam, but he's wishful thinking was wrong, this time not only did not come true, but put yourself in Mafia revenge. He lied to the money attracted all sorts of people involved including the bartender, lawyers, police, and some one loafer, these people not only speak to our emotions, but have been swept away by the Jack money away, leaving only Jack made a scapegoat. More terrible things still to come, he was the revenge of the fraud victims - because he lied to an accountant, certified public accountant is in fact the mafia mob leader - Winston King. Winston King, seeing his own money cheated out of, and has been snatched away by all sorts of people, unwilling to force Jack for his design of a scam, the purpose of defrauding $ 500 million - which is Jack had fraudulently obtained the number of money. Forced under the command of the mafia bosses, Jack had to design a new scam, but can not think of when they thought that this scam is a perfect step by step implementation of the halfway has cropped up many unexpected things to ... ...
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