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Mobile Suit Gundam: 08MS Team  / 机动战士高达:第08MS小队

Mobile Suit Gundam: 08MS Team / 机动战士高达:第08MS小队

Actors:of Ciro / Ina / Sanders / Karen / Ailiduoya / Mikhail /

Category:cartoon Director:Unknown

Updated:2012-04-24 16:24:35 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Mobile Suit Gundam: 08MS Team / 机动战士高达:第08MS小队
    cartoon movie < Mobile Suit Gundam: 08MS Team / 机动战士高达:第08MS小队 >
    Stars:of Ciro / Ina / Sanders / Karen / Ailiduoya / Mikhail /

    Federal Army non-commissioned officers Ciro Yama Da (days Tian Shilang) was ordered from the colonial satellites rushed to the Earth's South American battlefield, the way that carries a cargo plane by Keogh military attacks, Ciro in order to rescue his comrades driving the BALL challenge each other's MS, the results of a lose-lose, he and The enemy drivers love Donna Sakhalin are drifting to the ruins of the warships away from the battlefield. For survival, Roman and Ina work together to blow up warships ruins, which lead to their rescuers. This time the experience, so that the two alternate meaning of love, they also changed the original understanding of the enemy. Landing to the South American Roman was promoted to second lieutenant, served as the first 08MS Team captain, and another four members of the squad: MS driver card lotus, Sandoz, communications chief aid guards Yileiduoya, Mike, the team three MS is equipped with the RX-78GUNDAM production RX-79 [G]. Roman first came to Earth not yet accustomed to the environment bound by gravity, it immediately into the jungle warfare in the pursuit of the enemy tie ancient Roman gradually deviated from the team, with the girl in the nearby guerrilla Ji Qi meet. Finally struck down a bundle of ancient Roman finally back to the base under the guidance of the automatic navigation. The next task of the first 08MS Team in conjunction with the guerrillas against the enemy's brigade. Shortly after the successful conclusion of the battle, there is a huge MA Appleton Sala Si appear in the Roman front of them, the firepower of the other 08 squad naked Aileiduoya due wounded and leave the squad. Ciro did not know the driver of that MA is the Ina! Appleton Sala Si is a love Na 哥哥艾尼斯 newly developed armored, currently being tested. 08 squad was ordered to ambush Appleton Sala Si in the desert, the battle Ciro driving up and crashed into each other, were taken away from the battlefield. Ciro is the timely detection of Ina Appleton Sala Si driver, they meet again but faced with the situation trapped in the ice and snow. The long talk of the night, deepened the feelings of Roman Ina However, the position of the last two or bid farewell to each other, back to their own team. Roman rejoin after receiving military trial on charges of espionage. In military tribunals, the Roman admits that he realized that war is not all, the enemy is human, and we have feelings, both sides can understand each other and do not let the cruel war to go on. Although Ciro was acquitted, but still subject to the punishment of confinement, and just then came news of the the guerrillas village occupied by the enemy. 08 squad at the breach of order, stealing the captain of the blank order book to attack. Ciro wanted as much as possible without causing casualties, the enemy to surrender, however, the development of the war in the former not so simple as he imagined, the most the Hou Xiluo have to kill the other driver, its ears back sounded military general court asked him a pointed question: "West Luoshao Yu, now you can shot to the enemy?" Aileiduoya finally recovered from the reversion, but Ciro's unauthorized action, the 08 squad dispatched to the forefront, and reconnaissance operations in the case of no support. No doubt, this nominally to 08 squad to redeem oneself, in fact equal to to Ciro them to die. However, Roman's philosophy has not changed: "I will definitely give everyone back alive! Able to, then, must be within the range of minimum casualties to end the war!" Soldiers on the battlefield of their own lives at stake, in exchange for What is it? End of UC0079, Keogh military defeat in battle with Appleton Sala Si, Ciro, Ina together to defeat a crazy Ennis. Ciro lost a hand and foot, but he was finally able to be together with Ina. Killed on the list of the Federal Army, the column with the name of the Ciro Yama Da ensign. After the war, Mike brought his girlfriend along to find the whereabouts of Ciro's, he was confident that the captain will not easily die ...

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