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A planet , the the steel detective  / 钢铁侦探

A planet , the the steel detective / 钢铁侦探


Category:cartoon Director:Unknown

Updated:2012-04-24 16:24:35 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: A planet , the the steel detective / 钢铁侦探
    cartoon movie < A planet , the the steel detective / 钢铁侦探 >

    in the distribution of seven urban , there is no exchange between these urban basic , but in reality is no different and independent countries , humans living in seven cities , which has the characteristics of the hero where the coastal city " PSEUDO " . The city's Southern District, high crime rates , for this particular multi- city set up a " City Safety Authority , to take measures to prevent possible crime , youth help is a Security Administration agents , his partner R - JAJA000106 is a stature of a great uncle of the robot , the two people together in a materialistic metropolis full of bloodshed and deceit , to deal with the rising tide of criminal activities , until one day ....

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