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Church situation  / 圣堂风云

Church situation / 圣堂风云

Actors:Nicky / Lee Xiao / Levy / Hao days / Jia Qing /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2011 Updated:2012-04-24 16:26:19 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Church situation / 圣堂风云
    Chinese TV < Church situation / 圣堂风云 >
    Stars:Nicky / Lee Xiao / Levy / Hao days / Jia Qing /
    Storyline: 1920s Shanghai , the fickle nature of imperialist demarcation , Japan eyeing . Ray Jingtao and Liu Guangfu executive business and the banking sector become the leader of the fierce competition for their respective interests . Liu Mo original , Lijie Yang and Jiang Zhihao is sworn brothers separated for many years , although they are their own master , but share a common ideal - a peaceful and happy future . ... A generation compete for red does not collapse, the friendship between the brothers , their vertical and horizontal to begin again and again thrilling action , while the female police officers Song Xiao charge , mine the great Ray Jessica brutal struggle to add a few wipe bright . Japanese spy segment Seduction lurking in the side of the three brothers , often spoil their plans . The Japanese to attack , the three sister organizations of the volunteer force , with the 19th Route Army began a fierce blocking action . Japanese invaders under the threat of Mo original , Kai Yang in order to reduce loss of life , willing to be hostages; to ho also loved the segment Seduction and national interests , to make painful choices . Troubled times under the three brothers, ideal thick and thin to begin a new excited ...........
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