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The Qianlong Indiana  / 潜龙夺宝

The Qianlong Indiana / 潜龙夺宝

Actors:Monica / Pinky / Simon Lui / money Siu Ho /

Category:Story Director:Unknown

Updated:2012-04-24 16:28:04 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: The Qianlong Indiana / 潜龙夺宝
    Story movie < The Qianlong Indiana / 潜龙夺宝 >
    Stars:Monica / Pinky / Simon Lui / money Siu Ho /
    Storyline: a gang of international criminal underground organization , want a devastating sea smuggling of advanced high-tech equipment, interfere with the defense system of the advanced countries . Rich , you two engaged in underwater engineering , mistaken for smuggled goods are full of foreign exchange and money by dark notify the police , the culprits sad sad abandoned cargo sea ; rich , your regressing to dive to the sea, since its endnotes . The bandit chieftain noted that the instrument stolen , extremely angry, and is bound to have been exposed to this material to wipe out .
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