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South south  / 南下南下

South south / 南下南下

Actors:shock / Su Yan / Luo Haiqiong / Wu Jian /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2010 Updated:2012-04-24 16:57:08 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: South south / 南下南下
    Chinese TV < South south / 南下南下 >
    Stars:shock / Su Yan / Luo Haiqiong / Wu Jian /
    Storyline: 1948 , Northern liberation . Progressive student days Cape punishment , his lover , the young cadres of the Party to the south of Jilin resolutely joined the cadre group , took to the south with the army , to liberate the whole of China road . In the south of the road , to meet with nine pounds of battalion commander of the Northeast Field Army war hero Wei and Mongolia for supporting the front captain captain " guy " Green Nightingale , from the beginning of the experience of these four young men accompanied with the growth of the young republic , as well as the emotional entanglements of four people and a deep friendship. Fearless on the battlefield command wisely, quick response , its own way Wei nine pounds , has won the trust of the Cape punishment , became a guide for his revolutionary ; also won the admiration of Jilin , eventually became her lover. Persistent pursuit of the ideal , tireless adhere to the truth Pu Xing Tian won Wei nine pounds of appreciation, to become his cultural education ; Mongolian guy , " Green Nightingale friendship growing in the war , life and death dependency "brothers." When the victory of the revolution faded military uniform and the Siegel was actually Nver Shen ! Shocked , turned out that the war with the enemy, cuddle to sleep in the tent with his comrades is a beautiful Mongolian girl . Green Nightingale feelings quietly change , in-depth in his soul , even the love of his own , have not resolved the situation actually green Siegel . When all the love obstacle is lifted , the two can mutually heart when Green Nightingale chose to leave the deepest love a man ...
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