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The teacher was wrong  / 老师错了

The teacher was wrong / 老师错了

Actors:Truong / the Fuli / ZHANG Xiao /

Category:HongKong Taiwan Director:Unknown

Year:2008 Updated:2012-04-24 16:39:17 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: The teacher was wrong / 老师错了
    HongKong and Taiwan TV < The teacher was wrong / 老师错了 >
    Stars:Truong / the Fuli / ZHANG Xiao /
    Storyline: is a pair of twin sisters , each of with his parents separated in the cross-strait swap identities in the " other side " of life leads a series of humorous stories . The story is in two cities of Xiamen and Kaohsiung started. The twin sisters are just a high school teacher . Sister living in Taiwan, both free and easy character , conversation refreshing and very generous , sloppy , although the use of the computer was not familiar with calligraphy , writing on the blackboard ( the blackboard ) dare not gotten ; sister is completely the opposite , introverted , honest , calligraphy class , and life skills . But the two biggest problem is young and fit , snakes and students from a poor family but also to suffer from Tourette syndrome , single-parent families a crush on the teacher's students are more father in prison , children love the record straight ... headache mainland students generally face the parents expectations for their children 's academic pressure , I do not know the character is free and easy manner spicy both how to deal with . Both the boyfriend Xu Jiahong is a tough character , his enthusiasm and initiative, and often so fake and both the right overwhelmed ... but also to cope with reining in unbridled Fang Niuban students naturally exhausted , Qiu state one hundred .
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