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Her in-laws maiden 2  / 婆家娘家2

Her in-laws maiden 2 / 婆家娘家2

Actors:Juanzi / Chen Rui / Lvxiao Wo / Liyun / Shu Yaoxuan /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2007 Updated:2012-04-24 16:42:21 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Her in-laws maiden 2 / 婆家娘家2
    Chinese TV < Her in-laws maiden 2 / 婆家娘家2 >
    Stars:Juanzi / Chen Rui / Lvxiao Wo / Liyun / Shu Yaoxuan /
    Storyline: story recounts the leaves mother and large daughter-in-law 's father Gu uncle married , was two son leaves Bean and two daughter Fang Xiaoping opposition. The two most worried about is married to the mother after the family house to fall into the hands of the Valley family . The middle of the night they drove home , accidentally knocked down cyclist older brother fled the scene . Big Brother was brother-in-law Yang Yifan to the hospital, she died . Sub Bean couple home after the hit is the big brother , decided to conceal the truth , and the sails began to secretly investigate the matter ...
    As the investigation deepens , Yang found that the accident murderer is actually two -in-law . Spot in the throes of contradiction in an accident, car accident resulted in his sharp voice .
    Old age happiness can be fulfilled ? The perpetrators of the car accident conscience ? The pro - people what should be so to face the harsh reality ? The drama will show the entanglement of the scenes and Justification .
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