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  • Horror movie - Tribal / 部落

    Tribal / 部落

    Starring:Marc , Bacher

    Region:Europe and the United States

    Upload time:2012-04-24 17:00:54


    Status:End Year:2008

  • Horror movie - Killer portrait / serial killer life / 杀手的肖像/连续杀人犯的一生

    Killer portrait / serial killer life / 杀

    Starring:Mary , Demas , Michael Luke , Anne , Bartole

    Region:Europe and the United States

    Upload time:2012-04-24 17:00:54


    Status:End Year:1986

  • Horror movie - Fatal seat / death penalty electric chair / magic chair  / 致命座椅/死刑电椅/魔椅

    Fatal seat / death penalty electric chai

    Starring: Nick Michael , Abraham , , Capellupo , Alanna , Chisholm

    Region: Europe and America,

    Upload time:2012-04-24 17:00:54


    Status:End Year:2007

  • Horror movie - Star public enemy  / 星际公敌

    Star public enemy / 星际公敌

    Starring: the Kane Hoddle

    Region: story took place in

    Upload time:2012-04-24 17:00:54


    Status:End Year:2001

  • Horror movie - Ultra - girl Reiko / 超少女玲子

    Ultra - girl Reiko / 超少女玲子

    Starring:Osawa health , Shimazaki and Utako


    Upload time:2012-04-24 17:00:28


    Status:End Year:1991

  • Horror movie - Hellraiser / Raise a ghost to eat people / Ghost Deception : Hell / 养鬼吃人5/猛鬼追魂5:地狱

    Hellraiser / Raise a ghost to eat people

    Starring:Craig Shepherd , Nicholas , Turturro , James Rui

    Region:Not entered

    Upload time:2012-04-24 17:00:27


    Status:End Year:2000

  • Horror movie - Raise a ghost to eat 4: Ghost Field / Hellraiser 4 : blood / 养鬼吃人4:猛鬼磁场/猛鬼追魂4:血统

    Raise a ghost to eat 4: Ghost Field / He

    Starring:Charlotte , Chatton

    Region:Europe and the United States

    Upload time:2012-04-24 17:00:27


    Status:End Year:1996

  • Horror movie - Wicked Lake / 恶人湖

    Wicked Lake / 恶人湖

    Starring:Carlee , Baker

    Region:Europe and the United States

    Upload time:2012-04-24 17:00:27


    Status:End Year:2008

  • Horror movie - Raise the ghosts eat 2 / Ghost Deception : The Devil Deception / 养鬼吃人2/猛鬼追魂2:魔界追魂

    Raise the ghosts eat 2 / Ghost Deception

    Starring:Oliver Parker , Clare , Higgins , by Ashley , La

    Region:Europe and the United States

    Upload time:2012-04-24 17:00:13


    Status:End Year:1988

  • Horror movie - Rest / 安息

    Rest / 安息

    Starring:Bobbi. , Of Luther , Sue Kevin Gage , Sean · Kovalam

    Region:Europe and the United States

    Upload time:2012-04-24 16:57:59


    Status:End Year:2009

  • Horror movie - The Grudge 2 / 咒怨2

    The Grudge 2 / 咒怨2

    Starring:Sakai , to Ge Shanxin I , Hill Chiharu


    Upload time:2012-04-24 16:57:58


    Status:End Year:2004

  • Horror movie - Chamber non- dock / 密室之不可靠岸

    Chamber non- dock / 密室之不可靠岸

    Starring:Alec , Ni Hongjie , Yang Kun


    Upload time:2012-04-24 16:57:50


    Status:End Year:2011

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