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Story about《午夜性爱长跑》
    2015 Year Adult movie,sex movie,Self timer video online watc < 午夜性爱长跑 >
    Director:Jordan Kessler / Ted Beck /
    Stars:Jocelin Donahue / Joe D'Angerio / John McCool Bowers / Jordan Kessler / Nancy Daly / Ted Beck / Tonya Cornelisse /
    Storyline:23 years after Jordan and Ted blow off Jeff's genitals with a firecracker, their dads are kidnapped and the boys are given 24 hours to sleep with 10 women or else... their dads will die. 
    MSR is outrageous and hilarious. Beyond that, it is inspiring. And, as an indie filmmaker, i want to go make a movie like this RIGHT NOW. 

    I expected this to be a solid, based on the previous work of one of the filmmakers , but having no idea he ever acted was totally and pleasantly surprised by what a charismatic presence he was. Both he and his co-star are effortlessly funny & natural. The film looked good... more interesting lighting than most comedies... and sound was very clean, something often taken for granted in film but so crucial. MSR was gross and had heart, and I'm big on both those things.

    And the ending was one of the most shocking and hysterical and memorable moments i've seen on screen for a looooooong time.
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