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Story about《Foreign daughter-in-law the local Lang / 外来媳妇本地郎》
    2004 Year Comedy movie < Foreign daughter-in-law the local Lang / 外来媳妇本地郎 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Eric / Lydia / Kuo Chang / James Wong / Shawn / Jiang Yi /
    Storyline: film is several times won the Guangdong region of the ratings champion of the same name as one thousand Lunar New Year film version of the long drama of the episode TV . The Xiguan Sport Grand Courtyard suspected discovery of the ancient cultural heritage sites , a person to hear the government promised to make huge amounts of compensation , overjoyed . Family meeting , Kang wife ( Lydia ) , announced that she intends to compensation divided into a quarter , and three sons Aguang ( Su Zhidan ) A cases ( Kuo Chang ) , and A Yiu each , but still did not get married share or divorce , temporary custody of her . Twenty years ago, carrying the youngest son of my great grandfather ( Shawn Yue ) Compaq ( Eric Tsang) left Hong Sao gold seen the news , returned to Guangzhou For a share . Immediately , this one is just like a ripped pot : Kangshu think soon there is a lot of money to get by life insurance money of many old folks home, replacement of a new ; the couple of the most greedy A cases and A Chan ( tiger Yim ) Decides that the money and then divorce ; Aguang A Yiu , though not as money-hungry , but the money is better than no money , so anxious to see parents with a foreign girlfriend - wife because Kang Mrs. provisions are not allowed to discuss outsiders , to discuss her favor has made a great fuss ; great grandfather Even worse , the girl he likes ( Jiang Yi ) was actually the Korean half-breed , not only play a very play father ( Huang stick ), and brother , to happen, no matter the girl , he did little to endure a fist .
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