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Story about《Young Heroes / 自古英雄出少年》
    2012 Year Chinese TV < Young Heroes / 自古英雄出少年 >
    Director: /
    Stars:release dragons / white static / Sun Yiming / Wu Lei /
    Storyline: late Ming and early Qing dynasties , court corruption , the Rebel uprising . Heaven and Earth "Anti Fuming for the purpose of the country and the people veering avoid deep for the court . Huang Shu Altai are to destroy the world will be the name of colluding pirates in an attempt to rebellion . Orphans iron Biao goodness , perseverance , endurance , perseverance and never say die tenacious Yi Zhi . Childhood, release dragons monk shelter , he learned a good martial arts . One day, the world will Duozhu Jinnan by the court in bird dog chase the monk 's spiritual interpretation of intellectual calmly walked seriously injured fell , so to recapture from the Altai in the hands of possession of a traitorous intelligence - alabaster jar of Haiphong map given to the interpretation of intellectual Interpretation of wisdom while their lives to protect iron Biao to leave, let him go to the capital referred to Yu Ping . Iron Biao to the capital world will the Beijing Fenduo destroyed confused the occasion of encounter toward the Tingwu Guan Shao being an only child "real man" Shao Yang .
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