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Story about《/ N-th power of the home , N- th power / 家,N次方/家的N次方》
    2011 Year Chinese TV < / N-th power of the home , N- th power / 家,N次方/家的N次方 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhao Baogang / Song Dandan / Wang Ziwen / Zhu Yuchen / He just /

    What is it ? We do not need answers, we just seriously live in their own way . Behind each one of us might have a tragedy , and our future days will once again experience all kinds of hardships , but does not prevent us in full bloom with life , the same brilliant sunlight and survive . We are not perfect, so we need to catching you open the door , and we embrace each other , spoiled each other in hard times to hold up each other's backbone , lending their own arms . So along the way, we will always go all the way . N reorganization of the family can be the beginning of the scenes of the tragedy can also be N-th power of a happy start . Remote control in your hands , just look at you want to press under which the start button ...

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