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Story about《Love it in the Sun Moon Lake / 爱在日月潭》
    2009 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < Love it in the Sun Moon Lake / 爱在日月潭 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Jiang Xin Ruby / articles / Ke -tert- yuan / noble Zhao Jing / /

    people from the mainland to Taiwan tourism and cross-strait direct flights around the corner , the Bureau of Taiwan Daily News goodwill to deregulate the mainland entertainers to Taiwan policy . The first shot of the benefit is the continent of the main tourist attractions in Taiwan drama Love at Sun Moon Lake , the 16 mainland cast and crew ready to come to Taiwan to obtain official work permits .
    Love at Sun Moon Lake Taiwan artist enough to ring in the continental fame starring Ruby , she will be played by aboriginal Thao girls . Ruby indigenous ancestry, broker , she stressed: Aboriginal friends are a lot of white skin , and she will be more in accessories, dress strengthened. " Play, Ruby served as hotel manager at Sun Moon Lake , and the mainland rookie niche articles Taiwan artist Ke -tert compose love story , the main scene for the Sun Moon Lake, Lalu and other places, the beauty of Alishan, Chingjing Farm , Taipei 101 , B & B Ilan , Taichung street and Dalian City panoramic view .
    And Love in the Sun Moon Lake put the story background is set to reflect the two sides of family, love , and economic and cultural exchanges , closely linked to people on both sides hope that the unifying theme .
    Father's articles will be promoted who plays Kuoshao , Interestingly, Ruby and life of the play partner 's wife Mai -li have to play in My Fair Princess "Lagerstroemia Princess" , the Ruby 's cooperation also following the struggle with the Mai-li , another hand " crape myrtle Princess" . Play , the article will be strongly hindered Jiangzhong He fell in love with Ruby , played by Ann played with Ke Shuyuan . Talked about the role of interpretation, the article says : " struggle in the south side , We hope that this love in Sun Moon Lake to show my other side , I think the difference of character is not that he which geographical differences , but to seize the role of personality . "

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