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Story about《The Mischievous Princess / 刁蛮公主》
    2006 Year Chinese TV < The Mischievous Princess / 刁蛮公主 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Jang Na Ra / Alec Su / Ma Dongdong / Lv Hang / Bao Lei /

    former Princess Stuart Jing was general Albatron Stuart and his wife, much favor. Static princess nature cheerful, smart snow. She was beautiful and kind-hearted, gifted with a chivalrous heart. Although the red makeup daughter, courtyard but Suobu Zhu. Her favorite outside of the free world, often disguised as a man walk in the marketplace alley between civilians fared hearty. Static Princess is extremely good, often weak and focus their assistance. Plus her Long Shaoxia, itself, its own way, these ideas are both happy and mischievous, so part of everyday friends to send her affectionately nicknamed "crayfish".
    Following a bit soon the young Emperor Zhu Yun juvenile valiant, great wisdom, but some worried frown. San Francisco (Yunnan Wang, Qiguo Gong, Ji Zhou Hou) forces outwards gradually grow in hidden uncle article dominated the affairs of state, the DPRK, palace daughter article text Meier imperious Queen Mother of this niece loved excessive. Zhu Yun for the emperor, but lose its power to the internal and external to the palace, he is very uncomfortable. So he was trying to eviction check people, visit the sentiments, but also enjoy some free time.
    Static the princess marketplace million people the enemy to persuade friends decided to rob Qi Guogong ill-gotten gains. Unexpectedly, the wrong people, the target of the Yunnan prince, the quasi-peace princess consort Bai Yunfei became static Princess. Static princess wins Bai Yunfei order pro bracelet. Zhu Yun eviction of kindness large static princess, he met the Zhangyishucai popular marketplace loved the people, "crayfish" is very good impression.
    The Yibiaorencai suave romantic Bai Yunfei were robbed were vexed, he sees it as a huge disgrace. He visits everywhere, and finally find him on the static princess, two-person fight. Design of static Princess Chu Yun pulled into the war situation, their own escape. Zhu Yun tried to mediate, not sleepwalk to join the parade, but play happily.
    Zhu Yun obsession "crayfish", repeatedly looking for the eviction. Finally, he and the the static princess, Bai Yunfei meet again, a war born. The battle was over, three people suddenly became a good friend. Three sympathetic, static princess proposed that the three formed a brother. In favor, Zhu Yun Bai Yunfei think that they have is not a simple figure, the future can help very much appreciate the two, plus I also agree. Three persons so sworn.
    General Stuart Albatron and articles of prime minister two mutually exclusive, the second daughter of the chosen static Princess's brother Stuart Jiannan and articles Wen Qiang deeply in love. San Francisco, son of Qi Guogong Liang Junzhuo sight, Wen Qiang He Crosses to propose marriage to the text home. Article is to draw Qiguo Gong in order to strengthen their forces, agreed to Wen Qiang betrothed Liang Junzhuo. Wen Qiang and Stuart Jiannan pains, living death.
    Static princess true love for her brother and Wen Qiang, decided to help fulfill them. She tried the approach, ran out of tricks to sow discord between the two relations of Wen Liang. Article the Liang Junzhuo fooled, later unmoved. Static Princess resorted to the last resort, bridal chamber, snatched Wen Qiang Zhu Yun Bai Yunfei help row. Stuart Jiannan with Wen Qiang leave.
    Shortly after they fled, Liang Junzhuo to find them, and Wentao personally, want to kill Stuart Jiannan. In secret to protect their Chen Lin took the opportunity to bring them to the palace. Peace Princess had originally thought that Wen Qiang and Liang Junzhuo is sexual gratification, Stuart Jiannan Crosses. Can be heard Bai Yunfei, then, to know the love thief is Liang Junzhuo. So, the princess of peace they do tell the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother also began to sympathize with them, so they decided to help. The help of the Queen Mother, Stuart the Jiannan cultural Qiang married.
    Zhu Yun to allow static princess palace, the use of the characteristics of separate peace princess want Bai Yunfei and static Princess, slowly let the peace into his trap. Static princess in order to repay the benefits of peace princess of their house, and then agree to the palace. Static princess palace, tranquility and cultural Meier asked people to ignore the static princess. Later, they took advantage of a static public main characteristics of the peace gratitude to her laundry. Later, Wen Meier again their own clothes, the clothes of the palace eunuchs static princess wash. The Static Princess discovered their trick, so one is not left to cut the clothes of the palace eunuchs, there are text Meier. Tranquility and cultural Meier are afraid to let static Princess laundry. May the peace of letting static Princess to accompany her martial arts, they are the name of the banner have become good friends.
    Bai Yunfei to static princess, determined to suspend and tranquility of the princess's marriage. Bai Yunfei behavior angered the entire royal family, so the Empress decided to kill Bai Yunfei Zhu Yun. Zhu Yun did not want to kill Bai Yunfei, for the Queen Mother to the lives onslaught, Zhu Yun had ordered. Will allow Chen Lin when Jian Zhanguan, straight out to find the static Princess. Static princess to save Bai Yunfei, leave the decree, Zhu Yun to give the Minister an explanation, only the static princess locked up in prison, but at the same time turn a physician in a static Princess next door. After Zhu Yun with a way to save under static princess. In prison, the static princess fell in love with Chu Yun, and decided to accompany him for life.
    Bai Yunfei, was released, he wants to lift and tranquility Princess marriage. Zhu Yun Bai Yunfei Youxiang ask one thing: the dissolution of marriage, marry Jing princess, to persuade her father to accept the cut - fan and tranquility. Peace in order to the country, agreed to the dissolution of marriage with Bai Yunfei. Zhu Yun do not agree with the Queen Mother again hunger strike onslaught the static princess can only agree. Zhu Yun can only meet the requirements of the Bai Yunfei. Bai Yunfei, very happy, he told the story to the static princess. He thought that the static princess will be very pleased, can not only not pleased static Princess, contrary to Bai Yunfei scolded, and vowed to never want to see Bai Yunfei.
    Later, retreat to tell static princess she is a former princess, static princess heard about it a surprise. Hen-day disciples named autumn heart, ready to designate the alliance with Qi and tell Liang Junzhuo whom a former princess. The Liang Junzhuo sent to the person know that Situ Jing is a former princess, immediately told Liang Junzhuo. Text home it is the handle, attempt home Situ one for the death. Text home taken to the execution ground, peaceful princess told the story to Zhu Yun, Zhu Yun immediately under the Stuart family. Hui Gong, Zhu Yun do not want the Queen Mother to intervene in the conduct of public affairs, and therefore to resign seeking to go. Queen Mother did not want this, so will not interfere with the conduct of public affairs, promised. Zhu Yun to stick to the article to remove the prime minister of the title, text Meier remove the concubine of the title.
    Bai Yunfei, fell in love with peace, decided to left Beijing to persuade his father withdrawal. Left Beijing when he was ready, the peace came, he did not agree to bring peace. So ready to leave quietly in the night, just out of the house, but found that his father appeared. Their son talking about a dispute, peace out rescue. Yunnan Wang took the opportunity to hijack the peace. Zhu Yun found that his sister was abducted decided Yujia personal expedition. Static princess army.
    Zhu Yun decided to attack Yunnan Wang, Jing princess as emperor negotiations Ambassador to Yunnan Wang negotiations. Barracks of the king of Yunnan, Yunnan Wang Jing princess is his niece. After some negotiations, Yunnan Wang decided to withdraw its troops. At this point, Zhu Yun rounded out the barracks, Yunnan to stop his men. Static Princess and Yunnan, the king of the outcome of the negotiations Yunnan Wang withdrawal static princess when the Queen.
    Since then, the palace is full of laughter.

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