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Story about《Japan sank / 日本沉没》
    2009 Year Science fiction movie < Japan sank / 日本沉没 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Kusanagi the / Kou Shibasaki / Etsushi Toyokawa true central / / earth and Oikawa Mitsuhiro /
    Storyline:The story revolves around the Japanese archipelago launched . A 70 -meter-high island of the Ogasawara Islands in northern sank overnight . Responsible for the investigation of deep-sea submarine pilot Onodera Toshio seabed , discovered a large-scale anomalies in the Japan Trench , seven thousand meters deep . At the same time , the Japanese archipelago, also occurred in the Shinkansen project forced to shut down the highway bridge collapse accident around the volcanic activity , earthquakes constantly . To this end , the Japanese government convened a secret expert hearing , at which Japan would sink to the alarm . Skeptical of government departments immediately drawn up to cope with a state of emergency " D - 1" program , launched a top-secret investigation .
    As the investigation deepens , and the Kyoto earthquake and the Tokyo earthquake " occurred , Japan faces the sinking of the fact that more and more become clear , the Japanese government had developed on the basis of the " D -1 " program designed to save Japan nation " D -2 " program. When the Japanese sank the news public , the international community immediately launched a rescue operation , to inquire into Japan sank the intelligence activities of the Far East situation began . Because of the large-scale crustal movements , the Japanese archipelago is not only sank into the sea , there may be many times more than 8 earthquake . Onodera and girls affected by the earthquake in Misaki , A Ministry of the rescue team rescued. Last moment finally came , a huge tsunami into the land , the sinking of the Japanese archipelago . Where it ? New life how to proceed ?
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