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Story about《High Fidelity / 高保真/失恋排行榜 / 高度忠诚》
    2010 Year Story movie < High Fidelity / 高保真/失恋排行榜 / 高度忠诚 >
    Director:Stephen Frear /
    Stars:John Cusack / Iben Hjejle / Todd Louiso / Jack Black / Lisa Bonet / Catherine Zeta-Jones / Joan Cusack / Tim Robbin / Chris Rehmann / Ben Carr / Lili Taylor / Joelle Carter / Natasha Gregson Wagner / Shannon Stillo / Drake Bell /

    Rob, a record store owner and compulsive list maker, recounts his top five breakups, including the one in progress.
    High Fidelity follows the 'mid-life' crisis of Rob, a thirty-something record-store owner who must face the undeniable facts - he's growing up. In a hilarious homage to the music scene, Rob and the wacky, offbeat clerks that inhabit his store expound on the intricacies of life and song all the while trying to succeed in their adult relationhips. Are they listening to pop music because they are miserable? Or are they miserable because they listen to pop music? This romantic comedy provides a whimsical glimpse into the male view of the affair of the heart.

     This is the story of a romantic comedy to laugh and tears . Thirties , Robert - Gordon ( John - Cusack decoration) is a Chicago record store owner , he and two buddies of the shop , Dick and Bailey are fanatical fans of pop music on the popular The music can be described as well known . Rob 's record store sells only old-fashioned vinyl LP , and sometimes even three people because the music preferences of the customers with their be driven out of the shop , the store has gone into . At the same time , the emotional life of Robert lit a red light , get along with his long-standing girlfriend, Laura ( Ai this - especially leaf ornaments) but also left him because she felt some of the things Rob can not to him. Robert was surprised to find that Laura actually started with the appointments, he lived in the house upstairs , Ian ( decoration) - Tim Robbins , but this building on the famous Playboy . Bitter experience, Rob had to start life on their own fail to conduct a review . Now, he must face a consciously or unconsciously ignore the fact that : he has entered the adult , there should be a balance between pop youthful enthusiasm and an adult to cope with the responsibility . Starred in the film the protagonist is a Hollywood star - John Cusack , who starred in " air traffic congestion" , " - John Malkovich " and "Con Air" and other blockbuster films . The heroine Laura the actor is the Danish actress Ai - leaves , especially , and this is the first time she starred in Hollywood films . - Tim Robbins , Catherine - Zeta - Jones movie star also film star in the role .

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