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Story about《My brother called Shun Liu / 我的兄弟叫顺溜》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < My brother called Shun Liu / 我的兄弟叫顺溜 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Baoqiang / Guoqiang the / Hao Lei / Xu Honghao / Sun Xun / Yang Hua /
    Storyline: Baoqiang was born in South County, Hebei Province, the General Assembly Tower Village, began practicing martial arts at age 6 and 8 years old -14 years old lay disciples of Songshan Shaolin Temple in Henan, and then came into the world, each crew when martial artists do extras. Fate seems to have favored this seemingly ordinary child, the age of 16, Baoqiang director Li Yang picked starred in the independent film "Blind Shaft", the movie makes him overnight from martial artists to become a Golden Horse for Best new people. (Baoqiang with "Blind Shaft" won the French fifth Du Weier Film Festival "Best Male starring Award, the fortieth Taiwan Golden Horse Award for" Best New Artist "and the Second Bangkok International Film Festival Best Actor Award . ") in 2004, the participating FengXiaogang drama A World Without Thieves", famous for its earthy individuality and uniqueness lucky to win a lot of people's attention. 2006, Baoqiang starring a 30-episode TV series "Soldiers Sortie" for her portrayal of the role of Sando, natural performances in order to be fully demonstrated in the show, to impress people and win the majority of TV viewers favorite. "Blind Shaft", "plot", "A World Without Thieves", "Soldiers Sortie" director Feng Xiaogang's New Year in 2007 masterpiece, "The Assembly", Baoqiang step by step in show business. Baoqiang a celebrity baby became the hometown of Hebei Province, South County, the county people are proud of. Home leading treasure strong high hopes, Po-keung, also pledged to help solve his marital problems. Po-keung, also said that as long as the home needs, anytime, anywhere to But for their own personal problems, Baoqiang and the attitude of many movie stars are the same: to find a suitable 2008, Baoqiang Chinese Red Cross Foundation officially appointed as the "Migrant Workers Assistance Fund goodwill ambassador for the United Nations ILO appointed ambassador to the prevention of migrant workers AIDS Baoqiang or the 11th of Xingtai City CPPCC meeting members. In April, Baoqiang employed university students in the seventh capital green ambassador, called the "green is very important that everyone have to do is necessary. June 2008, launched its own first autobiography, "to move forward - a youthful era of struggle history," July 2008 Baoqiang also continuous with Yao Ming, Thin guagua, Little Dragons, Han Hong Zhanhui, Shenbao Feng, Yang Yan, Li would like with was rated as 80 after the ten outstanding figures. July 28, 2008, he was appointed Ambassador of migrant workers in AIDS prevention: project initiation ceremony and seminar held in Beijing by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and the ILO cooperation in the workplace AIDS education project. On the project launch ceremony, the International Labour Organization has officially announced the hiring Baoqiang served as a goodwill ambassador of the migrant workers in AIDS prevention. September 2008 to participate in the star of "My brother called Shun Liu," about the eve of the anti-Japanese stand contention, used to battle the heroic story of in Xuyi yellow pond area of ​​a New Fourth Army sniper, play sniper Shunliu. November 25, 2008 initiated by the ILO, the strong support of the Office of the State Council AIDS prevention and non-profit organization the China Enterprise Confederation, All-China Federation of Trade Unions, China Labor and Social Security Ministry, co-organized by the villagers to help fellow prevention AIDS "Health Action Launching Ceremony held in Beijing. Migrant workers, AIDS prevention Ambassadors Baoqiang starring, directed by Gu Wei, public service ads first release. Short, lively sense of humor, giving a return to the intuitive feeling of Chaplin's black and white silent film era. 2009 as the ambassador of the low-income farmers in Zhejiang Youth Care Action and shooting PSAs
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