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Story about《Fearless / heroes Fearless / 霍元甲/大侠霍元甲》
    1981 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < Fearless / heroes Fearless / 霍元甲/大侠霍元甲 >
    Director: /
    Stars: / Liang Xiaolong Huang Yuanshen / Michelle /

    "Fearless" was taken in 1981, 20 episodes. Remember that "Fearless" play that is absolutely booming, was only part of the family to buy a television set, but also the kind of 12-inch black and white TV, what peacock cards, West Lake, brand, brand, etc.. I remember the time to play "Fearless", the grandmother in front of the TV must be filled with neighbors, I still remember that rushes to the scene of the story of.
    "Fearless" was first broadcast in the Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan drama, is also a popular niche Huang Yuanshen last time a masterpiece. Huang Yuanshen shortly after the successful play of the Fearless, suddenly announced that the cut off which the Red, decided to go to the Jiuhua Mountain monks. Huang Yuanshen films is anti-bowl, "Maelstrom" (and Natalie partner performance). Shooting the new version of "Fearless", the film crew through various channels and Huang Yuanshen For inviting Huang Yuanshen cameo, play the father of Fearless. Huang Yuanshen emerged in the home of a temple in the United States.
    The early years of the Republic, warlord chaos, occupation powers, a broken, times of hardship. People with lofty ideals Fearless devastated in both internal and external countries the occasion, determined to martial arts and physical Salvation, offered "fine martial arts and create derivatives out is really regrettable that add a subtle boxing boxing foreign weapons by terror-stricken, washing powers to the Chinese people. disgrace to the "sick man of Asia", showing the awe-inspiring righteousness of the Chinese nation. After the corruption of those in power is weak, the lackeys of the great master was hit by foreign powers, the scum of the nation poisoned to death spectrum into an epic of national righteousness Psalm.
    Fearless was born in Tianjin, a martial arts family, a child suffering from asthmatic father refused to delegate his powers. But the ambitious Fearless is secretly Arts, secretly turn out to be a good effort. 1900, Fearless witnessed close friend of the king killed by the sword of foreigners under the excitation of the "small" farmers Jin Sun, his national consciousness crescendo that "purports to Guoqiang, have all martial arts". Fearless by the Japanese and Hong Kong Adam framed, was forced to flee their homes to the development of Shanghai. He founded the "fans were boxing camp, with superb martial arts Lectra Russian Hercules, a national hero to wipe out the shame of the sick man of Asia, and to quell the sectarianism of the martial arts world. Set up the assistance of the agricultural Jin Sun, Liu Sheng, Chen Zhen Jing Wu Gymnastics will make people understand the martial arts are not seeking topped only for self-improvement ". Vicious cunning of the Japanese, however, the best a deadly trap, secret poison Fearless, so that the untimely death of a great master. However, its ability to withstand outside the shame, patriotism and deeds of self-improvement encourages us to future endless struggle.

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