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Story about《One Piece 3D Movie / 海贼王 3D剧场版》
    2011 Year cartoon movie < One Piece 3D Movie / 海贼王 3D剧场版 >
    Director: /
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    Storyline: first

    " ONE PICEC " series 3D Movie , 3D ...
    Road flying out of the event last night still in the hat actually missing ! Luffy had a child met the idols - the pirates red-haired Shanks , Shanks gave him a straw hat , and he set to determine the life goals agreed , is the right path to fly . straw hat, but more important than the lives of baby , regardless of experience how kind of danger will not abandon it .
    Luffy crazy around looking , and finally found a sea eagle dangling his baby hat .
    At the same time , Chopper and Usopp way to find a hat encountered a distressed ship , they saved the old pirate repair Nida . Repair Nida they tell the amazing story and a straw hat .
    Miles sun chasing flying sky , sea eagles into the danger zone of " great route . Appear before their eyes was a naval base . Retrieve the iconic hat straw hat pirates ? !

    ( as a story , short play time , characters not compliment rotten rotten Movie , its unique selling point will the rest of the so-called 3D ...)

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