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Story about《Complete Works of dishes / 家常菜》
    2010 Year Chinese TV < Complete Works of dishes / 家常菜 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Hoang Chi Trung / left Xiaoqing / Tong Yao /

    eighties and the beginning of a city . The older youth work in the state-run two canteens Liu Hongchang fell in love with a poor family to give up college opportunities Fumie . Was Liuhong Chang 's mother and brother in every possible way to block , but Liu Hongchang and cultural benefits to marry . Fumie 's brother Wenge and sister Wenyuan this brother-in-law hostile . The Fumie second pregnancy , the family Dousheng disaster . 17-year-old Wen-Yuan and Liu Hongchang pique away from home , its streets, the small fry rhubarb cat ruined . In order to revenge for her sister , 16 -year-old Wenge assassination of the the rhubarb cat . The Fumie been strongly stimulate bleeding died in the hospital . A series of family tragedies Liu Hongchang only grieved deeply repressed in my heart, have taken up this precarious house ...... years later, Venda was admitted to a university ; flowers in the autumn were killed in an accident in a car accident . In order to fulfill his is to spend the last moments of life the promise of autumn , Liu Hongchang guarding a cabin , silently waiting for the return of loved ones ...

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