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Story about《Families with children of the second department / 家有儿女第二部》
    2005 Year Chinese TV < Families with children of the second department / 家有儿女第二部 >
    Director: /
    Stars:High- Ya Lin Song Dandan / Young purple / Ningdan Lin the / Zhang mountain /
    Storyline:Have children using the platform of the reorganization of the family as the story unfolds . Xia Donghai hero had to follow his ex-wife to read along with the work in the United States , a divorced mother of seven - year-old son Xia Yu returned and reunited with the daughter Xue grew up in the country , married, with a major hospital matron Liu Mei Liu Mei also divorced with a son named Liu Xing . The main story of the drama took place in this particular family , Xia Donghai and Liu Mei , the common feature is full of love , care for the child's growth , expectations of " integration " both love and wisdom, to cultivate the next generation of happy life . Siblings Sa living under the same roof , although the kinship of different ages , the idea is to get along like a natural . However, because of the different of the three growth conditions , so that they have utterly different personality and hobbies , so the dispute is inevitable . The trio sometimes unite and join hands to deal with difficult parents , and sometimes will fight each other , fight for their rights . Living under the same roof , a family of five , due to the different characters , habits vary between children and parents , among children , the middle of the father and mother , it is inevitable that disputes and conflicts , coupled with their grandfather , grandmother , father , mother often intervene , it is your side stands on my stage " , and it buzzes , taste again and again . In the form of style , drama comedy is rich , the characters humorous and witty language , full of character, plot people can not help laughing , unwittingly , to bring the audience to laugh out loud situations .
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