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Story about《French fries war / 薯条战争》
    2011 Year Story movie < French fries war / 薯条战争 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Lucas / the Adriaanse Pippa / Allen of Ke /
    Storyline: This is also a children from the Netherlands Films in this year Cinekid Film Festival , won the Jury Prize . Nine-year-old little girl the Kiek worried about their own father, a United Nations doctor will sacrifice on the battlefield , this worry her into a magical corner of the imagination . The movie most worth mentioning is the little girl 's imaginary world all through the stop -motion animation effects to render . The movie title refers to the famous snack of a Dutch , French fries dipped in salad dressing or peanut butter to eat , but it has exaggerated the name of " Fries, War, French fries war" . In which the little girl 's imagination , all Hechang not this so seriously ?
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