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Story about《Russian Dolls / 俄罗斯娃娃》
    2005 Year Love movie < Russian Dolls / 俄罗斯娃娃 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Romain / Duris / Kelly / Reilly / by Audrey / Tautou / Kevin / Bishop /
    Storyline: Zhawei Er fast 30-year-old, he finally realized his childhood dream, became a writer. But his feelings and life is still a heap of trouble. Now he and Wendy became very good friends, living in a small town between Paris and London, to write the script for the TV series. Zha Weier also as usual, can not be reconciled only a girlfriend, but free between Martina and Isabel make him tired. Writing also encountered a bottleneck, inspired by the disappearance of his irritability. Wendy's brother, William, getting married, and actually marry a beautiful Russian girl, still a bunch of friends has caused no small shock to separate the five friends to be reunited in St. Petersburg, our hero or "The Spanish Apartment" Seville (Roman? Darius ornaments), five years after the age of 30, he finally studying finished Spain DEA degree, resigned from the civil service staff to achieve the ideal of their own childhood - writer. However, he still sometimes lost, because after all, life is not living selling word imagine as simple and economic constraints can be imagined. Seville and ex-girlfriend Martine (Audrey? Care figure decoration) still maintained friendly relations, but at this time Martina has made the mother the day, take care of his son, had given up the pursuit of the ideal of love, while the plug Virgin is, as always, successive affair this way. In order to maintain their livelihood, he had to take over some trivial asked him, such as interviews, love story, the drama of this, as long as whatever, he never refused such a messy subject matter. Nevertheless, the contacts between his past and his mother, dizzying lover and Hupenggouyou of which still makes him constantly confused, he delay can not find the right way, we can only invent unusual and simple love story . Order to maximize the rich experience, Seville had to re-sort their own lives and families, the screenwriter's work is also facing the threat of upcoming stop. Seville do not want to stay in London, working and living in a difficult situation, he went to St. Petersburg in Russia, expect a new life and inspiration, where control of their work, love and ideals.
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