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Story about《the poisoning / 中毒》
    2002 Year Story movie < the poisoning / 中毒 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Lee Byung-hun / Lee Mi-yeon / Sun Young /
    Storyline: ho true ( Li Nie ornaments ) and ex -sook ( Lee Mi - yeon) the couple living a happy and days. Ho really Dazhen a younger brother ( Lee Byung-hun ornaments), and love racing . One day real racing , ho really rushed to the stadium watch , two at the same time in different places had an accident . The first wake up true . Strange things again and again . Dazhen even an anti- accident character , as if exclusively as a ho true - his character, manners, conversation, memories, all attached to the body like ho true . Ho really is still in a coma , sad ex -sook large really change very strange at the same time , can not help but believe that with some kind of supernatural existence, slowly come to accept really become a husband ho true . The hospital announced that ho true when brain death , En Shu believes that in fact her husband is not dead , he always around . However , a necklace , made ​​everything becomes suspicious - Dazhen has a hidden secret .
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