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Story about《Dongfang Shuo / 东方朔》
    2007 Year Chinese TV < Dongfang Shuo / 东方朔 >
    Director: /
    Stars:process before / Qin Hailu / Hu / Hu Yajie / Tao Huimin /
    Storyline: Tips:
    Theater from the program on September 6 browser inside the shelf, please pay close attention to watching Oh, next week watching the audience can use the search feature to search for watching!
    Junior, Han dynasty, ascended the throne, ambitious, he has changed since the Wen Jing Huang-Lao school "rule by doing nothing, since the number of" Emperor Wu ". And decreed Seeking exceptional with genuine talent talent.
    Shandong Dongfang Shuo strange man, versed in literature and history, resourceful qizhi, answered it, volunteered. He presented the two vehicles bamboo chief thesis Wu presented a complete proposal of running the country, diplomatic, and security side, Emperor Wu of Han admiration.
    However, Dongfang Shuo has always seen to be far-reaching effects. Emperor Wu of Han, he seems to have loved disappear. Neither promoted, and not let him outside any. Just leave him at his side, day and night meet.
    Dongfang Shuo ambition blighted, long difficult exhibition, but also puzzling. Deliberately funny funny Jiping affairs of state, the past does not violate the Emperor Wu Ni Lin. Emperor Wu's personality was strong, Imperial under very strict, but Dongfang Shuo has chosen spared laughed.
    The monarch and his subjects on this wonderful relationship together for ten years.
    In the meantime, Dongfang Shuo to help with their own unique way of Han Wudi Qing In addition to the forces of political chaos, and the harem, against the princes of the split and decided to befriend the policy of the Western Regions, and to change the policy and pro-as well as to make the major decisions against the Huns.
    Emperor Wu of Han Dongfang Shuo as inexhaustible think-tank, and two hundred thousand word book as heal the nation, secret. But still do not upgrade, do not reuse. Its policy rather than its people. Dongfang Shuo into the contradictions of the pain and Fiat. He knows, including the victory of Emperor Wu of Han has his hard work, but he can only be hidden behind the scenes, you can not showcase his talents.
    Dongfang Shuo, simply launch a funny, satirical, all into the article. And the powerful minister of the monster to compete right and wrong, and also with the lofty emperor joking. Think of this way, the Emperor Wu of Han, simply include him Rigoletto, as a joke. He laughed in the face of bitter in their hearts.
    With the victory over the victory of the Huns, Han Wudi self-expansion hole plow court ordered the sweep, extending to break new ground. A heavy burden on the endless war to the people. Dongfang Shuo's admonition has become impolite words, Emperor Wu of Han could not listen to the.
    Dongfang Shuo to reflect on their own: it was he when they were young, "first emperor" ideal agreement with Emperor Wu of Han, the only toe; his mature thinking is not Han Wudi accepted. The suffering of the common people before they do the figurines also have their own!
    Northern War is cruel. Hun north to escape, killed the star Huo is also the last battle. This does not make the Emperor Wu of Han, wake up, but let Dongfang Shuo decision - he quietly left this had made him hopeful the final disappointment of the brilliant court.
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