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Story about《Forest Great / 森林大帝》
    0 Year cartoon movie < Forest Great / 森林大帝 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Yoshiko / Ohta / Island Sumi / Yamaguchi Kappei /
    Storyline:Peng Giroux , white lion , king of the forest to save his wife at the expense of life , it 's wife gave birth to white lion Leo . Leo inherited his father's heroic character , after all the hardships , and eventually became the king of beasts, the forests of the Great . The film a vivid demonstration of the natural scenery of the African continent , coupled with works vividly rendering the theme of respect and love , " " life , the film become a milestone in the nature of the work . Later, in the Japanese version of Transformers the Headmasters ' and the classic cartoon movie "The Lion King " can be seen the traces of the film . Adapted from Osamu Tezuka great works . Leo king of the forest and his subjects live in the depths of the forest . In this spring season , Leo 's wife gave birth to two little lion : within Gege Lu and sister Lu Kaiao . The family lived happily together . But at the moment is a group of people marching to the forest , Science and Technology Agency sent looking for a magic mineral expedition . The captain Egg is a greedy , vicious guy, and his wanton felling of trees in the forest , killing animals , has been engaged in scientific research in the local scientists hope to cover the harsh criticism .
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