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Story about《Live on the left live in the right / 住左边住右边》
    2005 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < Live on the left live in the right / 住左边住右边 >
    Director: /
    Stars:The Kuo dry / He Xiu Qin the / Lin Meixiu / Huang Anqi Aviation /
    Storyline:"Living on the left to live right " for Taiwan's sitcom , has been broadcast to the fourth quarter finished . Directed by Wang Wei , screenwriter and Manpower Xie Nianzu . A group of people living in a happy community to explore the various social phenomena , presents the story with black humor and fun . The first and second quarters is the premiere on public television . The third quarter of "happiness suite" and the fourth quarter of the whole people to fight the well-being in three will premiere . First and second quarters each topic is usually half-hour limit, so an assembly has two themes ; third and fourth quarters the three broadcast each topic more in one hour is limited . Sanli before sowing in the third quarter broadcast first and second quarters , but because you want to insert advertising time broadcast , re-edited . Public television broadcast in Sanli finished third quarters, the selection of which 20 episodes
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